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Ian Isaro

There was a time when I attempted to be an author, but that time has passed. To those who supported me in my efforts, I want you to know that I've moved on to write for several indie studios. I appreciate your support over the years.

“Aki: Oh, crap, he's actually out this time. If he asks, say he hit his head falling down.Keisha: He'll forgive you. Right now I think I'm willing to forgive anything.”
Ian Isaro
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“Keisha: They said there wasn't any resistance - how did you beat Risa?Aki: Friendship, the heart of the cards, teamwork, and lots and lots of fire.”
Ian Isaro
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“Aki: You're quite a proactive slacker.Blake: I try my best to avoid trying.”
Ian Isaro
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“Horrible abominations might be unpleasant, but at least they didn't have fanboys. - Aki”
Ian Isaro
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“Aki: You're going to kill yourself eating those. Or do vampires not have to worry about clogged arteries?Edgar: We do, but I'm young and therefore invincible.”
Ian Isaro
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“That doesn't help me unless they give credits for extracurricular punching.Aki”
Ian Isaro
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“Temujin: I want to hate you, yet you don't seem overwhelmed by evil.Blake: Maybe I kick puppies in my spare time.”
Ian Isaro
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“Free vacation sponsored by the forces of evil. Nice. - Blake”
Ian Isaro
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“Humans like those stories because in the real world the underdog loses.- Gastion”
Ian Isaro
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“Without warning, Aki was between them, arms around their shoulders. "Is this banter I hear?"Blake rolled his eyes. "Oh no, I could never put up with-""Too late, we're all friends now!"Keisha shook her fist in mock rage. "We've been playing into her hands all along.”
Ian Isaro
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“Seeing you here is a pleasant surprise. I'm not fond of surprises.”
Ian Isaro
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“As for these three students, they've obviously performed at a level beyond that expected by first semester students in order to help defend the university." He stuck the cigarette in his mouth and walked away. "Someone put them in harder classes.”
Ian Isaro
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“The vampire exploded in a shower of daisies that drifted slowly in all directions. Everyone flinched.”
Ian Isaro
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