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Ibn Hazm

ابن حزم

علي بن حزم الاندلسي الأمام البحر ذو الفنون والمعارف أبو محمد علي بن أحمد بن سعيد بن حزم بن غالب بن صالح بن خلف بن معدان بن سفيان بن يزيد الأندلسي القرطبي اليزيدي مولى يزيد بن أبي سفيان بن حرب الأموي. أكبر علماء الإسلام تصنيفًا وتأليفًا بعد الطبري وهو إمام حافظ فقيه ظاهري ومجدد القول به بل محيي المذهب بعد زواله في الشرق ومتكلم أديب وشاعر وناقد محلل بل وصفه البعض بالفيلسوف وزير سياسي لبني أمية سلك طريق نبذ التقليد وتحرير الأتباع.

يعد من أكبر علماء الأندلس. قام عليه جماعة من المالكية وشرد عن وطنه. توفي في منزله في أرض أبويه منت ليشم المعروفة بمونتيخار حالياً وهي عزبة قريبة من ولبة.

Ibn Ḥazm, in full Abū Muḥammad ʿAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʿīd Ibn Ḥazm born November 7, 994, Córdoba, Caliphate of Córdoba—died August 15, 1064, Manta Līsham, near Sevilla.

Ibn Ḥazm famed for his literary productivity, breadth of learning, and mastery of the Arabic language. One of the leading exponents of the Ẓāhirī (Literalist) school of jurisprudence, he produced some 400 works, covering jurisprudence, logic, history, ethics, comparative religion, and theology, and The Ring of the Dove, on the art of love.

Ibn Hazm's most important work is Tawq al-Hamama (The Ring of the Dove) and The Book of Religions and Sects, a work on comparative religious history.




“Men sometimes come and question meHow many years my age may be,Seeing my temples silver nowAnd flecks of snow upon my brow.This is the answer that I give"When I count up the life I liveApplying all my reason's power,I make the total just one hour.""And how", my questioner repliesIn accents of amazed surprise,"Mak'st thou this sum, which seems to meBeyond all credibility?""One day", I answer," she I loveAll other earthly things aboveLay in my arms, and like a thoughtHer lips with mine I swiftly sought."And though the years before I dieStretch out interminably, IShall only count my life in truthAs that brief hour of happy youth." -”
Ibn Hazm
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“I have a sickness doctors can't cure,Inexorably pulling me to the well of my destruction,Consented to be a sacrifice, killed for her love,Eager, like the drunk gulping wine mixed with poison,Shameless were those my nights,Yet my soul loved them beyond all passion.”
Ibn Hazm
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“Do not use your energy except for a cause more noble than yourself. Such a cause cannot be found except in Almighty God Himself: to preach the truth, to defend womanhood, to repel humiliation which your Creator has not imposed upon you, to help the oppressed. Anyone who uses his energy for the sake of the vanities of the world is like someone who exchanges gemstones for gravel. There is no nobility in anyone who lacks faith. The wise man knows that the only fitting price for his soul is a place in Paradise...”
Ibn Hazm
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