Ibrahim Aslan photo

Ibrahim Aslan

Ibrahim Aslan (Arabic: إبراهيم أصلان) was born in Tanta, Egypt in 1937. He is culture editor for the Cairo bureau of the London-based daily newspaper al-Hayat.

He published his first collection of short stories, Buhayrat al-Masa’ (Lakes of the Night), in 1971.

The Heron (1983) was his first novel.

Other novels are Yusuf wa al- rida' (Yusuf and the Dress), Wardiyat Layl (Night Shift), Asafir al-Nil (Nile Sparrows, English translation published by AUC Press, 2004).

His works have bee translated in English, Frenche and Italian

In 2003 Ibrahim Aslan was awarded the Egyptian State Prize and in 2006 the Sawiris Prize for literature. His most recent book is Hogratani wa sala (Two Rooms and a Living).

“Don't talk about love, But speak out of love cause most of the liars are only perfect of talking about nothing but passion & don't talk about justice, But speak out of justice cause most of the oppressors are only perfect of talking about nothing but rightness.”
Ibrahim Aslan
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