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Ika Natassa

IKA NATASSA is an Indonesian author who is also a banker at the largest bank in Indonesia and the founder of LitBox, the first literary startup of its kind in the country, which combines the concept of mystery box and onine promotions for writers.

She loves writing since since was a little kid and finished writing her first novel in English at the age of 19. She is best known for writing a series of popular novels focusing on the lives of young bankers in Indonesia. Her debut novel A Very Yuppy Wedding is published in 2007, and she has released six books since: Divortiare (2008), Underground (2010), Antologi Rasa (2011), Twivortiare (2012), dan Twivortiare 2 (2014), and Critical Eleven (2015). A Very Yuppy Wedding is the Editor's Choice of Cosmopolitan Indonesia magazine in 2008, and she was also nominated in the Talented Young Writer category in the prestigious Khatulistiwa Literary Award in the same year. She loves to experiment with writing methods, Twivortiare and Twivortiare 2 are the two novels she wrote entirely on Twitter. Antologi Rasa and Twivortiare are currently being adapted into feature films by two of the most prominent production houses in Indonesia.

Natassa is also one of the finalists of Fun Fearless Female of Cosmopolitan Indonesia magazine. In 2008, she was awarded with The Best Change Agent at her company for her active role in corporate culture implementation in the bank, and in 2010 she was awarded for 2010 Best Employee Award. Her success in maintaining a career at the bank whilst pursuing writing as her other passion led to her being awarded awarded as the Women Icon by The Marketeers in 2010.

Out of the love of books, in 2013 she founded LitBox, a brand new concept she's in introducing to readers in Indonesia. It's the first literary startup company of its kind, aiming to provide readers with recommended books, to help writers get their writings read by people, and to help publishers introduce new talents to the market. On July 2014, she commenced a social movement campaign to promote the joy of reading called Reading is Sexy, so far supported by Indonesian and regional public figures such as Acha Septriasa, Jason Godfrey, Hamish Daud Wyllie, Karina Salim, Ernest Prakasa, Mouly Surya, and many more.

Twitter and Instagram: @ikanatassa

LinkedIn: Ika Natassa

Personal website: www.ikanatassa.com

“And don't you just love the heterogenity of bookstores? toko buku itu bukti nyata bahwa keragaman selera bisa kumpul di bawah satu atap tanpa harus saling mencela. Yang suka fiksi,komik,politik,masak-memasak,biografi,travelling,semua bisa ngumpul di satu toko buku and find their own thing there. Bookstores at least discriminative places in the world.”
Ika Natassa
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“It's easy to find someone whom you can laugh with, but it's not easy to find someone whom you can endure the sadness together with.”
Ika Natassa
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“Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want him to, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you with everything he has. | Learned that the hard way.”
Ika Natassa
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“Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It's almost like getting a tatoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you get one, it's stick to you hard and deep.”
Ika Natassa
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“Hahahaha, so watching him giving a lecture is an aphrodisiac?”
Ika Natassa
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“LDR is fucking expensive!”
Ika Natassa
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“I chose this guy because he always says what he means and means what he says. -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“Dulu kamu pernah minta aku janji bahwa aku nggak akan melepaskan kamu apapun yang kamu bilang atau minta ke aku. So, this is me not letting you bail, Sayang. This is me not letting you go, okay?' -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“Terus, kalau emang kami berdua berubah sesuai yang diinginkan masing-masing, are we still the same person we both fall in love with? -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“Udah ya. Before we say things we're going to regret forever. -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“Beno: Ini bukan masalah percaya apa nggak, tapi ini masalah suka apa nggak -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“But hey, i didn't marry him for his verbal skill, right? :p -Twivortiare-”
Ika Natassa
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“Sometimes the greatest moment of your life present itself in the form if a nearness to someone you love.”
Ika Natassa
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“People are human, not some machine we can control. Main rule-nya: jangan jadiin differences itu alasan untuk ngeluarin emosi dan starting a conflict.”
Ika Natassa
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“Everybody's different, and in dealing with differences, egos play a huge part.Kita gak bisa maksain orang supaya sama kayak kita. Trima aj perbedaan itu sebagai perbedaan kepribadian. Asalkan gak melanggar values kita,diterima aj.”
Ika Natassa
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“Marriage equals work. It doesnt just happen. There will never be anyone whom we can call a perfect match.”
Ika Natassa
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“You deserve better, Keara."I know I deserve better. But my fucked up heart and mind keep telling me that I don't want better. I want Ruly.”
Ika Natassa
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“As your presence here, means the absence of my sanity.”
Ika Natassa
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“A woman either hates or loves. There's nothing in between.”
Ika Natassa
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“If you make a girl laugh, she likes you. But if you make her cry, she loves you.”
Ika Natassa
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“Nothing dries more quickly than a tear.”
Ika Natassa
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“Time flies, but not memories.”
Ika Natassa
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“I was what you are, you will be what I am.”
Ika Natassa
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“Methinks I could write a volume to you, but all the language on earth would fail in saying how much and with what disinterested passion I am ever yours.”
Ika Natassa
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“Even God finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time.”
Ika Natassa
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“A man has to do what a man has to do, right?”
Ika Natassa
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“How can we be so different and feel so much alike?”
Ika Natassa
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“Instead of being fascinated by the things around us, we now try so hard to fascinate others by the things on us.”
Ika Natassa
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“Karena kecanggungan tidak pernah ada di antara dua orang yang tidak ada apa-apanya. So maybe there is something between us.”
Ika Natassa
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“So you see, being pathetic has also been my normalcy, as your presence here, means the absence of my sanity.”
Ika Natassa
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“Life comes with no guarantees. You just have to live life the fullest.”
Ika Natassa
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“We both get the glorious front seat of watching the one that we love loves somebody else”
Ika Natassa
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“Senang definisi gue: elo tertawa lepas. Senang definisi elo? Mungkin gue nggak akan pernah tahu karena setiap gue mencoba melakukan hal-hal manis yang gue lakukan dengan perempuan lain yang sepanjang sejarah tidak pernah gagal membuat mereka kelepek-kelepek, ucapan yang harus gue dengar hanya, "Harris darling, udah deh, nggak usah sok manis. Go back being the chauvinistic jerk that I love." That's probably as close as I can get hearing that she loves me. (Harris)”
Ika Natassa
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“So please, just let me be egocentric and ask you to stay.”
Ika Natassa
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“Doesn't it scare you sometimes how time flies and nothing changes?”
Ika Natassa
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“Menjadi orang dewasa berarti berani menghadapi perasaan sendiri dan menjalani resikonya..”
Ika Natassa
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