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Ikechukwu Joseph, a notable song writer, poet and author of best-selling “Unlocking Closed Doors, Strategic Spiritual Warfare, Discovering Yourself” and Bible Faith Nuggets Series is the president of the Living Way Global Outreach Ministries and the director of the Living Way productions. He trained as a Science Educator, Biologist, System Engineer, Website developer. He is a graduate with M. Ed. and B. SC. and a duly accredited ordained Minister with Evangelistic Messengers Association International, Tennessee, USA. Joseph is a man with interdisciplinary broad based knowledge and a much sort after public speaker, lecturer and trainer whose books, write-ups, publications are used by various schools, churches and organizations locally and abroad. Pastor Joseph has served God under different organizations like The Scripture Union, Four Square Gospel Church, NIFES, Fellowship of Christan Students, Grace of God Mission, and Believers Gospel Mission before God led him into the Harvest field.

“Do not define yourself by what you do. A manager? No, you are not a manager but you work as a manager. A maid? No, you are not a maid but you work as a maid. An accountant? No but you only work now as an accountant”
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“The cemetery is the “richest or wealthiest prison of undiscovered, untapped, undeveloped and unfulfilled dreams of presidents that never presided, great orators that never made a speech, astronauts that never went to the moon, doctors that never touched the sick or great preachers that never preached a Sermon”
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“In every problem there is a lesson to learn, an asset to acquire, a rest to restore, a bitterness to sweeten, a load to lighten or a price to pay.”
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“WITH GOD YOU CAN TURN YOUR impeaching importunities into optimal opportunities. Frightful frustration into fortifying fortunes. Humble attitudes into higher altitudes .Distress disabilities into affluent abilities. Incalculable incapacity into calibrated capabilities. Protracted poverty into pronounced prosperity. Subtracting adversity into multiplying advantage. Intimidating invalidities into valuable validities. Weeping profession into a winning prowess .worrisome weariness into wholesome health. Multiple miseries into a myriad of treasures. Possessive problems into progressive productivity. Earthly human co-incidence into heavenly divine “God-incidence”.”
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“Failure is not fatal nor that you are finished but the result of unfinished product waiting to be reproduced, reprocessed and polished. Failure is that you have learned your omissions, mistakes or what you did not do right or well at the last attempt. You can transform failure into a fortune by dealing with what went wrong. Failure is only a product of uncorrected mistakes.”
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“Champions are made and not born. Champion’s feat are acquired and not inherited, earned and not transferred, attained and not deposited”
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“Don’t waste a good idea or allow it to die inside you. One idea can bring you to the top, make your day or spark off chains of success chain reactions.-”
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“MATCH your potentials with the right credentialsEducation and environment can mould and modify behaviours.God is a perfect matchmaker. Match your potentials with the right resources and manpower to explore and exploit it.Want to know how?”
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“As long as you burn like oil you’ll shine like light. If you are shining, it is because you are burning like oil”
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“Spiritual giants are only willing, available and thirsty spiritual babies who paid the price for the prize, who waged a war for the victims to become victors, just like the courageous Davids that kill the big Goliaths.”
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“Your identity or potentials need to develop relevance, get education, possess content, technical improvement to be relevant to time and the present context. The anointing of yesterday will not do for the work of today.”
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“Stay with & live your dreams, for these trail blazers did and history is telling their stories in golden, glossy and embossed shining foils”
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“You can create sense out of nonsense, something out of nothing. You can create wealth out of dearth, viable ventures out of turbulent adventures. You can create mercies out of miseries. You can create tomorrow’s peace out of today’s crisis.”
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