I wrote my first book when I was in high school--a romance called "A Wild and Stormy Passion," which featured swordplay, kidnapping, a pirate heroine, and lots of naughty bits (that came entirely from my adolescent imagination!). Since then, I've written young adult novels and adult romances of the category, contemporary, and fantasy varieties. My books are romantic and sensual. I like strong women and strong men and the sparks that fly when they get together.
I am a dabbler and an emotional sponge. I can't read scary books or anything with an unhappy ending. I reserve the right to enjoy country music, puppies, true love, and happily ever after.
“Love didn't ask permission. It wasn't sensible or logical. It did as it wished, and damn the consequences”
“I suppose there's no good answer to that, Danny. I wish there was. But if you take the wrong, path, something deep inside you will feel twisted. There are times when that will be the only way to know the right from the wrong.”
“I don't care what kind of grades they give you at Delcroix. I wanted you to go there so you'd have a chance to learn how to use your gifts, and be confident enough to fight for what you believe in.”
“This seemed far-fetched, but then again, he was holding my hand, so clearly miracles were possible.”
“I completely failed to see the value in memorizing the stupid periodic table of elements.”
“He was staring at me because I practically threw up on myself....”
“I blinked and tried to focus on what he had just said. My heart slowed abruptly. Apparently he hadn't pulled me aside to ask me to be his one true love.”
“Um, I guess."Brilliant. Sparkling conversation.”
“I tried to ignore it, but something about him radiated ultra-sweet and encouraging signals, like he wouldn't be bothered in the least if I jumped into his lap.”
“I knew I couldn't be imagining it, because it wasn't exactly a good feeling, and if I'd imagined touching Cam, if would have felt good.”
“I restrained the urge to slam my door. On the right stood a teenage guy with thick chestnut hair, chocolatey brown eyes, and the kind of perfectly square jaw I thought only existed on models. He wore khaki pants and a white shirt - classic preppy gear, though on him it looked incredibly hot. The man on the left had black hair with wings of pure white at the temples, and unbelievable blue eyes the color of the Caribbean. Not that I've ever seen the Caribbean, but I swear you could have cut and pasted his eyes right into an ad for the Bahamas.Meanwhile, I looked like I didn't know how to operate a washing machine. My shorts had a glob of strawberry jelly on them from breakfast, my wrinkled gray T-shirt looked like it had been slept in (which it had), and my Seattle Mariners baseball hat had a dark ring around the brim.Grandma practically winced as her gaze traveled up and down my outfit. Her taste runs toward matching velour tracksuits, so I don't usually worry about her opinion much. Still, this time I think she was right.”