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Inez Kelley

INEZ KELLEY was born and bred in the mountains of West Virginia. She currently resides there with her lumberjack husband, their teenage drama queen, Spawnetta, and the Demolition Duo – Damien and his twin, the Omen.

She is a multi-published author of various romance genres. You can visit her at her website Follow Inez on twitter at @Inez_Kelley or on Facebook at

“Dear Aspiring Writer, you are not ready. Stop. Put that finished story away and start another one. In a month, go back and look at the first story. RE-EDIT it. Then send it to a person you respect in the field who will be hard on you. Pray for many many many red marks. Fix them. Then put it away for two weeks. Work on something else. Finally, edit one last time. Now you are ready to sub your first work.Criticism is hard to take at first. Trust me, I've been there. But learn to think of crit marks as a knife. Each one is designed to cut away the bad and leave a scar. Scars prove you've lived, learned and walked away a winner. Any writer who tells you they don't need edits is lying. I don't care if they have 100 books out. Edits make you grow and if you aren't growing as a writer, you are dead.”
Inez Kelley
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“Uhm, let go of that bossy vine, Tarzan, this Jane don’t swing that way. I said I’m notgoing.”
Inez Kelley
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“....There. You’re married. We’re done. I need a drink.”
Inez Kelley
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“Are you crazy? Why did you tell her I was pregnant?”“It sounded nicer than the truth, okay?”“What, that you have round-trip tickets on the Bi-Polar Express?”
Inez Kelley
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“Just because you're in the market for a minivan doesn't mean you can't test drive a hotrod.”
Inez Kelley
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“A man could be content with bread alone if he'd never tasted anything else. But one taste of sugar and John knew he'd never know such sweetness again.”
Inez Kelley
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“This wasn't a man for frivolity. He was made for hard work, hard play and heartache.”
Inez Kelley
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