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Irene Dische

Irene Dische is an American writer, born and raised in the Washington Heights district of New York City.

She has studied Literature and Anthropology on the Harvard University. She was a freelance journalist (The New Yorker, The Nation). In the early 1980s, Dische moved to Berlin, Germany, and now she devides her time between Berlin and Rhinebeck, New York. A lot of her work is written in English, but often first published in German.

Irene Dische ist eine Amerikanisch, geboren und aufgewachsen in Washington Heights, New York City.

Sie hat Literatur und Anthropologie studiert an der Harvard University . Sie war freelance journalistin (The New Yorker, The Nation). In den frühen 1980er Jahren zog sie nach Berlin, Deutschland, und jetzt lebt sie abwechselnd in Berlin und in Rhinebeck, New York. Viele ihrer Werke sind in englischer Sprache verfasst, aber zuerst in deutscher Sprache herausgegeben.

“Young People! Do not gloat about your youth, because you have a long and treacherous path to negotiate before you reach the truly lovely part of your life. Your fisrt decades are one long, tiring, demeaning struggle for at least a short turn at the control level. Every day you get savaged by your own wishes. When you finally calm down and accept your lot, you are middle-aged, and happiness most definitely lies more closely ahead, but you still have a few years to go, passing through most arduous longing and regret.”
Irene Dische
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