Irene L. Pynn’s plays include I, Cockroach, The Church of Saint Bearer, We’re Having a Baby!, The Train, How to Field Dress an Android, and several shorts. Her work has been produced and/or developed around the United States and abroad by First Person Theatre, What If? Productions, The Alley Theatre, Torrent Theatre, Starlite Players, Fury Theatre, Otherworld Theatre, M.T. Pockets Theatre, Playwrights’ Roundtable, and more. Irene is a member of the Dramatists Guild and earned an MFA in writing from Seton Hill University. Her other publications include short stories, short plays, interactive plays, alternate reality games, and a novel:
From Light to Dark is a high fantasy that features a Romeo and Juliet theme. In it, two teens from opposing worlds come together to resolve the conflicts of their ancestors.
For the most part, Irene writes what she likes to read, which are character-driven stories of alternate realities. She likes to throw her characters into alternate worlds to see how they live their "normal" lives in the midst of magical or technological changes.