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Isha Schwaller de Lubicz

Isha Schwaller de Lubicz spent her youth studying Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Hebrew theology and mysticism. As pupil of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz and later as his wife, she went on to investigate other religions and philosophical systems, including Taoism, Islam. Her most significant work was done in Egypt, where she lived for fifteen years among the temples and the tombs. There, patient labor and exceptional circumstances enabled her to penetrate the secret symbolism of the hieroglyphs. Her discovery aroused the enthusiasm of the eminent Egyptologist Alexandre Varille, who devoted the last ten years of his life to verifying and developing its practical application. Thus was unveiled a wisdom that for thousands of years had taught men the science of life. . . and of its triumph over death.

“No new truths await discovery; everything has been given already. But it has all been scattered abroad and dispersed, misrepresented by analysis, dulled by routine repetition. The essential words have been prostituted. We must recover the vital meaning of these ideas.”
Isha Schwaller de Lubicz
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“the springs of human joy are almost always poisoned by possessiveness; and the joy of possession is restricted by the object possessed and by the fear of losing it.”
Isha Schwaller de Lubicz
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