Isman H. Suryaman photo

Isman H. Suryaman

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Isman H. Suryaman adalah penulis humor dan komedian yang mengandalkan humor pengamatan.

Ia menerbitkan buku pertamanya, Bertanya atau Mati, sebuah kumpulan esai humor, pada September 2004. Karya-karyanya setelah itu, selalu mengandung komedi. Bahkan buku ketiganya, 7 Dosa Besar Penggunaan PowerPoint, yang membahas teknik presentasi pun tetap memuat humor. (Buku ini dipilih menjadi 1 dari 3 buku nonfiksi terbaik tahun 2007 versi pembaca Ruang Baca Koran Tempo.)

Pada Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2007, Isman terpilih sebagai salah satu penulis tuan rumah. Bertanya atau Mati bahkan disebut-sebut di kalangan panitia seleksi sebagai "Parasit Lajang versi Laki". Dalam festival sastra bergengsi ini, Isman menjadi salah satu panelis dalam topik "The Art of Satire" dan tampil pertama kali sebagai komedian tunggal (stand-up comedian) di Jazz Cafe Bali.

Oksimoron adalah novel pertama dan buku kelimanya.

Pada tahun 2012, Isman mengundurkan diri dari posisi direktur utama sebuah perusahaan teknologi informasi untuk terjun penuh waktu sebagai penulis dan komedian.

Karya-karyanya setelah itu lebih banyak menghiasi layar kaca, antara lain Malam Minggu Miko, Lo Banget Gue Banget, Comic Story, dan Marmut Merah Jambu: The Series.


"To paraphrase Lisa Snellings, I didn't make any conscious choice to do comedy. I've simply been drawn to it over and over."

--Isman H. Suryaman

Isman is an Indonesian humor writer who also does stand-up and improv comedy. He likes to poke fun at himself and question things that few people care to mind. Such as:

+ What does it mean when your dog starts singing Nessun Dorma?

+ In wedding receptions, where do telepathic communications occur the most?

+ How can a 21-month-old baby be a good presidential candidate?

+ And when do we need to lose our weight for the sake of the world?

Bertanya atau Mati is his first book; a collection of humorous essays. From then on, his work always includes humor--even on his third book, which covers presentation techniques.

“Finding a life partner is like choosing a bed. You need one as a friend either in times of health or sickness. Freshness or weariness. Happiness or sadness. And we can be certain that we've picked the right one without having to sleep with it first.”
Isman H. Suryaman
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“A wise man (or the first comedian in history) once said, "If you wish to make God laugh, tell him your plans." This is why during praying, I occasionally slip in my business plans. If there were an internet of somekind in heaven, my story would've been forwarded to everyone even before lunch break.”
Isman H. Suryaman
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“Conformity is contagious.”
Isman H. Suryaman
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