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Itzhak Beery

Itzhak Beery, the Amazon bestseller author of:

-The Gift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams, and Journeys to the Other Realms

-Shamanic Transformations: True Stories of the Moment of Awakening

-Shamanic Healing: Traditional Medicine for the Modern World

Itzhak contributed to other books:

- The Way of Abundance and Joy: The Shamanic Teachings of Don Alberto Taxo, by Shirley Blancke

- What Is The Meaning Of Life?: A journey into the wisdom of life, by Nicolai Tanase;

- Siberian Shamanism, by Virlana Tkacz

- Shamanism: Spiritual Growth, Healing, Consciousness, by Christa Mackinnon

He is a leading shamanic teacher, speaker, and community activist. He bridges the indigenous shamanic traditions his teachers entrusted with a contemporary shamanic approach relevant to modern life.

Born in Israel, he is a New York-based practitioner who conducts shamanic healing ceremonies, teaches seminars internationally, and co-lead trips to Ecuador and Brazil's Amazon.

Itzhak apprenticed intensively and initiated by don Jose Joaquin Diaz Pineda, an Ecuadorian Quechua Yachak from Iluman, into his family tradition and the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura. He was also was initiated by Shoré a Kanamarie -North Amazonian Pajé in Brazil. He studied with and assisted Ipupiara Makunaiman, a Brazilian Amazonian Pagé from the Uru-eu-wau-wau tribe for 12 years until his passing and with his wife, a Peruvian Curandera, and also with other indigenous and contemporary elders and shamans from around the world.

He is on faculty at the Kripalu Center, NY Open Center, The Shift Network, Faiths Seminary International, The College of Psychic Studies, -London, and a staff teacher at the Omega Institute, where he was a Hermitage Program honorary guest.

He is a co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle (NYSC) in 1997. He is a member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners (SSP), The Foundations for Shamanic Studies. (FSS). He's the publisher of, the most comprehensive global shamanic resource website today. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award’ from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.

Itzhak's work has been featured in various worldwide publications, including the NY Times, radio and video interviews, and he is often invited to speak on panel discussions, press conferences, and festivals and to host and participate in Shamanic Webinars.

He was featured in the feature film "The Hindenburg Omen" and Parashakti's "Dance of Liberation" documentary. He is also the featured shaman in the upcoming TV show "Soul Search."

Itzhak also developed and facilitated a special program geared to high school students called The Bridge.

“Margaret De Wys's Ecstatic Healing is a holy voyage--a remarkable testament of one courageous woman forced by her own sickness to discover the mysterious world of shamanic and spiritual healing. Her's is a journey of surrendering, a journey to faith, and a journey toward accepting herself as a healer. As in her first book "Black Smoke" Margaret writes with utter honesty, which helps us as we join her on her personal journey and question our own life journey as human beings and as healers.”
Itzhak Beery
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