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Ivory Simone

Ivory Simone is a writer and poet based out of Bangkok, Thailand. Havaus Means Blue Water is her first novel. In addition, she's the author of "The Rainy, Season, The Poems, Prose and Writings of Ivory SImone", a poetry and prose chapbook. She is the host of Bangkok Poetry Streams, a podcast series devoted to the reading and enjoyment of poetry and prose. She's also the host of popular the blogtalk radio show "Take A Bite Out The Big Mango". A show about expat lifestyles, art, personalities, good conversation about the happenings in and around the Bangkok.

Ms. Simone is a social justice advocate who started a project called the onewoman/onehouse project to build a home for a family in Haiti. She also launched a face book campaign to raise awareness about the pervasive racism people of African descent face in countries all around the world called : The Lift Every Voice Campaign.

“We humans need one another. We live in a big house with many rooms. Right now our home is on fire. If you're going to try to put out the fire, you've got to first agree on one fundamental point--everyone in the house is worth saving.”
Ivory Simone
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