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Ivy Devlin

Hi there, I'm Ivy. I write young adult paranormal romance, and my novel, Low Red Moon, is in stores now!

You can find me at http://www.ivydevlin.com and I'm also on twitter and facebook

“I remembered screaming then, screaming until my voice stopped.”
Ivy Devlin
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“We could be something amazing- or we could end up destroying each other.”
Ivy Devlin
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“I hadn’t been that interested in a hug. I could getthem anytime.Or at least, that’s what I’d thought.”
Ivy Devlin
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“Love can be broken but never forgotten.”
Ivy Devlin
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“Ben kissed me like he could kiss me forever, like he had to kiss me forever and he wanted to, he wanted me, and when he felt my surprise at that, I could feel again how beautiful I was to him, how I was beautiful beyond words.”
Ivy Devlin
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“Sometimes you could get so turned around that even breathing became complicated.”
Ivy Devlin
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“All I saw was Ben, and I knew that all he saw was me. The whole world didn't - it was there, but it didn't matter.”
Ivy Devlin
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“You're in my head, you're in my heart, and I've lost so much already. I can't lose you too.”
Ivy Devlin
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“It was where I was supposed to be now. But it wasn't where I wanted to be.”
Ivy Devlin
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“I know what it's like to lose everything you had, to lose your whole life.”
Ivy Devlin
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“I was the girl who had hair like blood.”
Ivy Devlin
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“Mom said that loving art was just as important as being able to create it.”
Ivy Devlin
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