Izumi Shikibu photo

Izumi Shikibu

Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部?, b. 976?) was a mid Heian period Japanese poet. She is a member of the Thirty-six Medieval Poetry Immortals (中古三十六歌仙 chūko sanjurokkasen?). She was the contemporary of Murasaki Shikibu, and Akazome Emon at the court of empress Joto Mon'in.

“Even if I now saw youonly once,I would long for youthrough worlds,worlds.”
Izumi Shikibu
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“Oi elämäni, toivoton sammumaton.Miten kadehdintuulen tuivertamiasoihtuja yössä.”
Izumi Shikibu
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“In this worldlove has no coloryet how deeply my bodyis stained by yours.”
Izumi Shikibu
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“Even when a river of tearscourses throughthis body,the flame of lovecannot be quenched.”
Izumi Shikibu
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“The one close to me now,even my own body-these toowill soon become clouds,floating in different directions.”
Izumi Shikibu
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“Watching the moonat dawn,solitary, mid-sky,I knew myself completely,no part left out.”
Izumi Shikibu
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