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J. Evan Johnson

“It is a shame, the amount of people who are turned off by the name of Jesus simply because of the mouths that say that name...”
J. Evan Johnson
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“Love and desire...they aren't the same but they go hand in hand. To say you love someone is to say you have the desire for good things for them, that you desire to DO good things for them. One of the worst things the enemy does is change the definition of love in the minds of a people.”
J. Evan Johnson
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“You must assertively hold yourself to a standard in which you keep yourself in line but don't tear others down. Holding yourself to a standard in an aggressive manner imposes your will on others, essentially tearing them down. And if you take the aggressive approach but to a weak standard, not only are y...ou tearing others down, you are being hypocritical.”
J. Evan Johnson
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“A bit of information, kept in the dark is a secret. That same bit of information put to the light becomes truth...even if it's a lie.”
J. Evan Johnson
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“It is your heart behind the action that allows you to prosper, not the action yourself. You can give away all your possessions, time, and energy, but if you do it to look good, to look pious, to look holy, you have already lost.”
J. Evan Johnson
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“Fear. It is likely to be the most well played card of the enemy. Fear stops you from fully understanding what lies around you. Fear stops you from really getting to know someone. Fear takes joy away. Fear pushes you into a spiral of negativity and hopelessness. But once you overcome fear… On the other side of that fear is freedom.”
J. Evan Johnson
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