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Jack Chaucer

Jack is the author of the new YA short story, Afterlife University, coming out Dec. 25, 2023. He also penned the four-book Nikki Janicek novel series, a genre-bending, unpredictable ride from Lakes of the Clouds Hut in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ("Streaks of Blue," 2013) all the way to deep space ("Mars Colony Agatha: Nikki Red," 2019), with many interesting stops along the way ("Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble," 2015, and "Nikki White: Polar Extremes," 2017). Chaucer also has written the mythological tale "Revenge to the Tennth Power" (2018), the children's book "The Password Is Wishpers" (2017), the political sci-fi thriller "Queens are Wild" (2012) and the rock 'n roll novella "Freeway and the Vin Numbers" (2010), as well as the short story, "heroinE" (2016). He lives in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA, with his wife and twin 12-year-olds.

“How do you tell your mom you're following your dream when it's the one that warned you to befriend a psychotic boy before he shoots up your school?-- from the upcoming "Streaks of Blue”
Jack Chaucer
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“Suddenly Adam (Upton) hated death just as much as he hated life, and now he had absolutely no idea how to unsolve that equation.-- From my upcoming novel "Streaks of Blue: How the Angels of Newtown Inspired One Girl to Save Her School.”
Jack Chaucer
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