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Jack Tate

Jack Tate (born 1st June, 1983) is an Australian thriller author who lives on the outskirts of Sydney with his dog, Barney.

Jack uses writing as his own personal therapy. It's a place where he can get away from reality and a place where he can live vicariously through the characters that he creates.

A lot of Jack's writing is pretty full on, it pushes the limits on what society considers normal. He tries to make people feel something that they normally wouldn't get to feel.

Inspired and Influenced by Stephen King, Chuck Palahniuk, Lee Child and Koushun Takami, Jack Tate will be releasing his first novel, CAUSALITY, early in 2013.

“I write what I feel, fiction with a twist of truth. I don't write because I want to, I write because I have to.”
Jack Tate
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“Like some people in life, a lot of my characters have no future.”
Jack Tate
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“Writing is my own personal therapy. It's cheaper than a real shrink and I get to kill people off when I grow bored of them.”
Jack Tate
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“When all is said and done, I hope people will judge me by who I am, not by what I've written.”
Jack Tate
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“I'm a fiction writer not by choice, but by necessity. It's the only way I can say what I want without having to admit it's the truth.”
Jack Tate
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“Some of the stuff that I write really concerns me. If I'm not institutionalised by 30 I'll seriously question the judgement of my friends and family.”
Jack Tate
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