Jacob D. Lochner photo

Jacob D. Lochner

“Be not fickle with your riddles, Alasír,” she said. “You and I both suspect the same thing. Someone has been out here poking the bear, if you’ll excuse me crude analogy.”
Jacob D. Lochner
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“I feel it respectful to observe and practice new customs, if I am to ever understand what it truly means to be human.”
Jacob D. Lochner
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“Yup,” Heather replied. “Some jackass tries to prick me and I’m gonna prick him right back! Leave the bottle, bucko. Save ya a trip.”
Jacob D. Lochner
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“That’s what happens when you crowd enough folks into the same sandbox: eventually they’re gonna start throwing a fit over who gets what part to play with.”
Jacob D. Lochner
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