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Jacquelyn Frank

“Now, here I am, a stranded woman marching down a spooky, remote road with no one to hear me scream. I'm in a damned plot for B horror flick!”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“This, she thought inanely, is the part where I am supposed to run. Oh, and that screaming thing”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Trust me, it takes talent to converse with a cat”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“As an American, you make choices every day for others by supporting your government and its excursions or military actions into other countries. When you buy coffee at the same café every morning, you are choosing to support that business. When you pass judgment on the girl your brother starts to date, you affect his life. When you work for your boss, you choose to support him in his endeavors, as well as everyone else his business touches. You make choices for others every day. The difference is that now you are beginning to realize it. And now you are beginning to own it.” -- Vincent”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“It was never my intention to cause you pain. Whether you feel strongly or very little, that does not excuse thoughtless behavior." - Adam”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“You believe in Destiny, don't you?""Yes," said Leah quietly."Then you have to believe that things happen for a reason, and even if you change something. Destiny will find a way to fulfill her needs." - Jasmine”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“It isn't very logical to live my life on goundless supposition. I have to assume the truth of the moment is the truth of the future. - Leah”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“The biggest mistake you can ever make it to compare yourself to others. - Gideon”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“I think there is something to be said for a well-publicized ass-kicking.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Oh yeah, you’re a regular sage. Shouldn’t you be sitting on a mountain somewhere cultivating a long white beard waiting for knowledge seekers to come to you?” “Have I mentioned that sarcasm has the potential to be detrimental to the natural beauty of your face?” he countered.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw until she thought he would break a tooth. No doubt he was giving himself a very intense lecture on inappropriate thoughts during lifesaving moments.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“I've loved you since the first moment I saw you," he said at last, the words rushed and full of rolling emotions. "Sitting there in powder blue and waiting for your killer so you could turn the table and slaughter his heart instead." - Guin (Pleasure)”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Now Bella, you know Jacob adores you. He naturally wants to protect you. He literally worships the ground you walk on.""Ha ha," Bella said dryly. "Earth demon. Worship the ground. Cute. Really cute.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“You know," Elijah raised a hand to shake a finger at her, "you have an attitude problem.""I certainly do. Your attitude is a huge problem for me.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“I find it odd that you would voice such an unnecessary question,” Gideon remarked serenely, sipping his beverage and rolling the bouquet of it over his tongue for a moment. "at times I find comfort in voicing a concern just to hear the verbal assurance.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“u dare to threaten me?”she retaliated, gaining her feet as she faced off with the Enforcer in what had to be the most unwise action in Council history since the decision to go to war with the Druids.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“By the Lord, Reule better bed that Wench soon! Mara is going to start thinking her p***y is made of gold if I keep frequenting her bed like this! -Rye "Drink of Me”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“You are my heart as it beats within my chest, my soul as it moves through my mind. The breath in my body that so fascinates you is your essence pouring in and out of me in a wave that drowns me over and over again until I cannot breathe for wanting you. Needing you.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“I would think you an utter fool if you did not doubt me, warrior. Instead, I am forced to respect your uncommon intelligence. Now what, do you suppose, should I do from there?”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“I am going to devour you, Magdelegna,” he promised her, the darkness of his cravings coming to bear on her fully at last. “You wanted to know my passions? Allow me to introduce them to you.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Damn. Not even joined yet and you're already using the headache excuse.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“But crazy people never think they're crazy. You're sane just by the virtue of the question.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Whenever I see you, I am overcome with the urge to be rooted within you, to be buried deep so your body can nourish me.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Laya! I'm going to give you my baby. You hear me?”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“But I must tell you that..." he paused and his voice filled with infinite gentleness and tenderness. "You are so very precious to me," he whispered against her neck. "You are my heart as it moves within my chest, my soul as it moves through my mind. The breath in my body that so fascinates you is your essence pouring in and out of me in a wave that drowns me over and over again until I cannot breathe for wanting you. Needing you.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“She had told him that she loved him. He had known that, but hearing it in the traditional phrase had affected him in new and blinding ways.Ways that made him believe that he could do anything.Anything she needed or wanted him to do. Because her loving him meant so much more than him loving her.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“Don't you know you take my heart with you everywhere you go?”
Jacquelyn Frank
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“She had spent days balancing on the edge of a choice. A choice, she had suddenly realized, that was never truly a matter of selection. It was what Damien had seemed to know from the start. The only choice she could make was to ignore the demands of her heart and her spirit, both of which she had tried to ignore no matter how loudly they had screamed at her. In truth, there was no choice. She was meant to be his, and he was meant to be hers. She had searched day after day for outside proof of this, only to realize that there was none, and never would be. The proof was stamped in the desires of her soul. It was the instinct that had been born in her, flipped on like a switch, the moment it had flipped on as brilliantly in him. Only he had seen the light, and she had been blinded by it.”
Jacquelyn Frank
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