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Jaide Fox

Jaide Fox has always had a passion for fantasy and the paranormal, having discovered both at a young age and devouring every book she could get her hands on, watching every movie that even hinted at her interests. It wasn't until she was in high school that her mother introduced her to romance--and she was hopelessly hooked.

Eroticism has never really been a part of fantasy, nor romance, and Jaide craved to see the two combined. Not able to find anything on the current market, she decided she'd write her own books to satisfy herself.

Jaide hopes readers will enjoy her first offering from NCP. She has many more novels planned and is currently breathing life into other adventures.

She lives in the middle of nowhere in a swamp, surrounded by all sorts of wild creatures (including snakes and spiders--which she gets rid of on sight!) and one mottled black cat who ambushes her from time to time.

Also writes Erotic Historical Romances under Julia Keaton and Celeste Anwar.

“It wasn't like that, darlin'." [Darcy] said quickly. "I swear on my mother's soul it wasn't!"Bronte bit her lip, trying not to smile. "Your mother is still living, is she not?"Darcy grinned sheepishly. "Yes, but…just the same.”
Jaide Fox
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“Has she glanced you way yet?"Twice," Nick said on a note of satisfaction.Meaning?"Nick glanced at him. "She's not completely disinterested."I see Moreland. That makes it an even half dozen hanging out for a rich wife. Four looking for their second. Rossman, the old satyr, certainly isn't likely to be much competition. What in the hell does he think he's doing anyway? He must be sixty."Basking, I should think. She hasn't given him the cold shoulder yet," Nick responded coolly.”
Jaide Fox
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“(Darcy) "Why do you suppose she decided to come back…after all this time, I mean?"(Nick) "The barmaid?""Bronte""If I were to hazard a guess, I would suppose her mother finally convinced her she was on her deathbed.""I suppose, but since she's been on her deathbed for the past ten years that I know of. I'm thinking Bronte probably wouldn't fall for it."”
Jaide Fox
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