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Jaime Buckley

“I’m not even ready to be fairly bruised,” he complained out loud, “I don’t want to be killed dead.”
Jaime Buckley
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“It’s called a repository spell. Makes something bigger on the inside than on the outside. Works great for bags, barrels, hats, just about anything really, even a 1963 police box.”
Jaime Buckley
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“There comes a moment in every life when the Universe presents you with an opportunity to rise to your potential. An open door that only requires the heart to walk through, seize it and hang on.The choice is never simple. It’s never easy. It’s not supposed to be. But those who travel this path have always looked back and realizedthat the test was always about the heart. ...The rest is just practice.”
Jaime Buckley
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“Nothing is truly free. Every gift has a price, paid for by someone in coin, favors, expectations or goods.Things get a little sticky when Life shows up wanting to collect on something you thought was free.Always ask the price.”
Jaime Buckley
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“Life has a complex plan that involves you and me.While we dream, work and organize, life makes its own tweaks—and many times circumstances might not turn out as we hoped.But life is not the enemy. It’s not against us. Life provides opportunities for growth and strength of character.Stop fighting against your greatest ally.”
Jaime Buckley
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“The invigorating energy in fresh-cut grass and cool, crisp chlorine filled Wendell’s nostrils as they lounged by the pool in Evan’s back yard. Looking past the back fence the wild grass bowed to the playful persuasion of the warm summer breeze and the corn lilies and columbines bounced their jeweled heads, laughing and teasing butterflies. Even the Cooper’s hawk atop a nearby fence post, content with feasting on a woodpecker knew, it was a perfect day.”
Jaime Buckley
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“Now I know why you have always desired to see Andilain at this time of year. The sweet fragrance of the trees blossoming remind me of the soft skin at your neck. If we should ever travel here I will insist on taking a carriage. You know how I detest riding horses and after two days my backside would be grateful if I never beheld a saddle again.”
Jaime Buckley
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“We will travel light and fast to the capitol for the ritual where I will have the privilege of delivering the final blow, for this act holds my loathing, my pain, my hatred…and my revenge.”
Jaime Buckley
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“...until men desire to control their own passions, evil has rooted itself in their hearts and darkness will rise again.”
Jaime Buckley
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“Power, money, lusts of the flesh and any other desire which takes a man, a family, a village or a nation from peace or freedom and places it under the sword is tyranny and the enemy of all.”
Jaime Buckley
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“We will forever be vulnerable to the weaknesses in our own hearts and our selfish desires.”
Jaime Buckley
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