James D. Hornfischer photo

James D. Hornfischer

James Hornfischer’s writing career grew out of a lifelong interest in the Pacific war. He appeared on television on The History Channel, Fox News Channel’s “War Stories with Oliver North” and C-SPAN’s “BookTV.” A frequent speaker on the subject of the war in the Pacific, the U.S. Navy, and the experience of America’s sailors in World War II, he frequently spoke to veterans organizations, youth and civic groups, and professional naval organizations on the inspiring stories found in his books. Mr. Hornfischer took great pride in the fact that each of his books was placed on the Chief of Naval Operations’ Required Reading List.

A native of Massachusetts, and a 1987 graduate of Colgate University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated with high honors in German. He received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Texas School of Law in 2001. Mr. Hornfischer was a member of the Naval Order of the United States, the Navy League, and was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry as an “Admiral in the Texas Navy.” Mr. Hornfischer was a book editor at one time and president of the literary agency Hornfischer Literary Management, located in Austin, Texas, where he lived with his wife and their three children.

Mr. Hornfischer passed away on June 2, 2021 in Austin Texas after a lengthy illness . He was fifty-five years old at the time of his death.

“...the experience of battle forever divides those who talk of nothing else but its prospect from those who talk of everything else but its memory.”
James D. Hornfischer
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