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James De Mille

James De Mille was a professor at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, and an early Canadian popular writer who published numerous works of popular fiction from the late 1860s through the 1870s.


“Horror is a feeling that cannot last long; human nature is incapable of supporting it. Sadness, whether it be from bereavement, or disappointment, or misfortune of any kind may linger on through life”
James De Mille
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“Above all, there was Almah. Everything combined to make her most dear to me. My life has been such that I never before had seen anyone whome I loved; and here Almah was the one congenial and sympathetic, and I loved her dearly, even before I understood what my feelings were. One day I learned all, and found that she was more precious to me than all the world.”
James De Mille
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“will you stay here? No. Will you go back? You can’t. We must, therefore, go on. That’s is our only hope.Horror is a feeling that cannot last long; human nature is incapable of supporting it.Poverty, sicknes, and death are evils; but the worst of all evils is unrequited love.”
James De Mille
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