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James Holmes

I started writing stories from an early age, and began my first novel at the ripe age of 13 in a last ditch attempt to do something other than homework because there was nothing on TV (as always). So, with a pad and red biro, ‘A Tangled Web’ was created. At the time I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Now, I quite clearly see it’s just a classic slasher story, with some really corny dialogue and blatantly stereotypical characters.

‘The Bleeding of Worlds’ began during University, as the premise behind a single book, and then in a sudden epiphane in a caravan in Thorpe-Le-Soken, it became a trilogy. For a couple of years I worked on it as such, because then, that was as far as I thought I could take it. It only occured to me last year that there’s so much more to tell. It really is a story that spans the ages and before I knew it BAM, it’s a series, which has swallowed my social life whole for a good few years now. But you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing, and any other novelists out there will know what I’m talking about.

“You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.”
James Holmes
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