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James L. Ferrell

“Anything that makes me feel better (or worse) than another is darkness; anything that makes me feel one with others is divine. So the natural instinct to try to lift others by helping them to feel good about themselves relative to others is exactly the wrong way to help. True happiness is found not in a belief that I am better but in the obliteration of any need to be.”
James L. Ferrell
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“I believe that the scriptures, the Sabbath, and the temple [are] mediums of holiness extended into this unholy world.”
James L. Ferrell
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“As Michael pondered how shallow he had been, he was struck by another thought. It wasn't simply that he hadn't gone deep enough. It was rather that he had grown accustomed to wading in pools that had no depth to begin with. A turn toward holiness would be a turn toward a different life altogether - to a life where different things mattered than had mattered in the past. Did he desire such a life? He knew that of all the questions, this was the most important.”
James L. Ferrell
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“Righteousness is simply a humble understanding of how unrighteous one is coupled with a deep commitment to become better.”
James L. Ferrell
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“Being Mistreated is the most important condition of mortality, for eternity itself depends on how we view those who mistreat us.”
James L. Ferrell
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