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James L. Rubart

James L. Rubart is a 28 year old trapped in an older man's body, who loves to water ski and dirt bike with his two grown sons. He's the bestselling, Christy Hall of Fame, Carol, INSPY, and RT Book Reviews award winning author of ten novels and loves to send readers on mind-bending stories of spiritual freedom. He's also an audio book narrator and co-owner of The Rubart Writing Academy. He lives with his amazing wife on a small lake in eastern Washington.

“I have to fight the dreams every night, brother. I can’t do it in real life as well.”
James L. Rubart
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“You are no one and you are everyone.You are glorious and you are nothing.You are mountains and valleys.You are glory and sin.And even when in the heart of your glory you can’t comprehend how deep his passion for you runs,Take hold of who you are.Run before the wind of the destiny He has created for you,And seek Him in every moment.”
James L. Rubart
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“Have you ever told him how you feel? What he meant to you, what he probably still means to you?”
James L. Rubart
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“Dads are supposed to pursue sons, not the other way around.”
James L. Rubart
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“No! He tried to shout out but the water surged into his mouth and lungs choking his cry. Then darkness. And nothingness. Always the nothingness. Thicker this time as if it had fingers pulling him down and pulling the life out of him. Pulling his soul out of him.”
James L. Rubart
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“You need to let some light into whatever dark closest you’re hanging out in at the moment.”
James L. Rubart
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“He glanced through the kitchen door at Tori sitting in front of his laptop. Would they be together in two months? Two years? Two decades? Did he want to be with her that long? Maybe. He didn’t know and suspected she didn’t know either. Three months together wasn’t long enough to know, Actually it was. but he still needed time to…”
James L. Rubart
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“Its not that he didn’t appreciate his dishwasher. There was something about washing dishes by hand that was therapeutic, as if he could wash away the regrets of the past and photos he wanted to wipe out of his memory forever.”
James L. Rubart
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“I think all people have things in their past they need forgiveness for. In their present as well. And they need to be extended grace for what they regret.”
James L. Rubart
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“I’ll persuade you to tell me all about what kind of waters you’ve muddled your feet in, and I’ll tell you about the trouble I’ve led skirmishes into for the past decade.”
James L. Rubart
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“Some pieces can’t ever be restored.”
James L. Rubart
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“When someone sees something old they think it’s worth more than something new.” I’ll give them that. The history, imagining who might have stood or sat or eaten at a piece hundreds of years before gives it a value you can’t hang a price tag on, but I’ve never thought it was ten times the value of a new piece. I think some things are better when new, then you can grow old together.”
James L. Rubart
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“I’m not stonewalling; I’m just not into talking about religion, I told you that.”
James L. Rubart
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“Don’t do that to me. Losing you would not be good for my mental health, get it?”
James L. Rubart
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“If I died tomorrow, he wouldn’t cheer, he wouldn’t break down. He wouldn’t do anything.”
James L. Rubart
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“All I saw in his eyes during my last impromptu was visit was apathy. A healthy dose of it. It’s not that he hates me; it’s that he’s devoid of any type of emotions toward me.”
James L. Rubart
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“On your heart, what are you hearing from God?”
James L. Rubart
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“Real life isn’t like those comic books you love so much.”
James L. Rubart
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“I’m not scared of dying. Not at all. The only thing I’m scared of is not living while I’m still alive.”
James L. Rubart
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“Did you know that almost everybody has stuff in their life they don’t like dealing with? And stuff they’re scared of?”
James L. Rubart
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“When you wish upon objects in the sky,Not knowing if you’ll live or die,Heal my heart and heal my head,And for once sweet dreams,When I crash in bed.”
James L. Rubart
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“You know, people think I’m a little crazy because of what I do for fun, but I don’t think I have anything on you.”
James L. Rubart
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“You don't have to own something for it to be you. Haven't you ever gone into a gallery and seen a painting and said 'that's me'. Or had a piece of music capture something deep down you didn't even know was there? You realize it's always been part of youl you've just never heard it before.”
James L. Rubart
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“Utterly engulfed,And wanting more.Buried,Drowned,Intoxicated,With the vastness of love.Losing myself as the waves wash over me,Through me,Surrounding me,Caught up in the a hurricane of overwhelming peace,I have let go,And He has found me.”
James L. Rubart
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