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James Luceno

James Luceno is a New York Times bestselling author, best known for his novels and reference books connected with the Star Wars franchise and the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and novelisations of the Robotech animated television series. He lives in Annapolis, Maryland with his wife and youngest child.

He has co-written many books with Brian Daley as Jack McKinney.

“Evil? What is that? ...You said you were death itself. Are you evil, then, or are you simply stronger and more awake than others? Who gives more shape to sentient history: the good, who adhere to the tried and true, or those who seek to rouse beings from their stupor and lead them to glory? A storm you are, but a much needed one, to wash away the old and complacent and prune the galaxy of deadweight." -Plagueis”
James Luceno
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“I'm a Muun of my word”
James Luceno
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“Rarely did events play out as imagined, in any case. The order of future events was transient. In the same way that the past was reconfigured by selective memory, future events, too, were moving targets. One could only act on instinct, grab hold of an intuited perfect moment, and spring into action.”
James Luceno
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“If actions were always judged by their consequence, we’d spend half our lives making amends.” -Luke Skywalker”
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“If someone is aiming a blaster at your ally, do you raise your ligthsaber to prevent it, or do you do nothing because a Jedi isn’t supposed to take aggressive action? I mean, where’s the line, Jacen? We’re in a war for survival , and defense sometimes means having to eliminate the opposition.” -Anakin Solo”
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“Drall’s lighter gravity is going to Jacen’s head. He’s convinced that our coming here is going to upset the balance of the Force or something.” -Anakin Solo”
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“You're demented.""Tell me something I don't know.""Okay, how about, we're unarmed!"-Droma & Han”
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“Even friends can't be protected from fate, Han."-Droma”
James Luceno
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“Laugh all you want.""I can laugh all I want." ::pause for effect:: "Did someone here make me say that?"-Kyp and Bombaasa”
James Luceno
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“It’s funny the way things work out. You go in search of one thing and end up finding something else. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was the Force at work.” -Han Solo”
James Luceno
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“Sometimes it’s more painful to know the truth than not to know it.” -Han Solo”
James Luceno
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“I’m too young to die.” “Yeah, and I’m too well known.” -Droma and Han Solo”
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“The newly created Darth Vader flexes his Force-muscle as the Emperor's enforcer to maintain order and obedience in a galaxy reeling from civil war and the destruction of the Jedi Order. To the galaxy at large, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker - the Chosen One - died on Coruscant during the siege of the Jedi Temple. And, to some extent, the was true - Anakin was dead. But from the site of Anakin Skywalker's last stand - on the molten surface of the planet Mustafa, where he sought to destroy his friend and former master, Obi-Wan Kanobi - a fearsome spectre in black has risen. Once the most powerful Knight ever known to the Jedi order he is not a disciple of the dark side, a lord of the dreaded Sith, and the avenging right hand of the galaxy's ruthless new Emperor. Seduced, deranged and destroyed by the machinations of the Dark Lord Sidious, Anakin Skywalker is dead ... and Darth Vader lives ...”
James Luceno
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