I am the second son of author Richard Bach. I've been on my own since 14. I quit school at 16. I taught myself computing, and became a software testing expert.
I have made my way among educated people as an educated man, but I have shunned institutional education. I developed methods of teaching myself what I need and want to know. So can you.
I've done all this while suffering from a mild disability: I have almost none of what my teachers used to call "self-discipline." Instead of discipline, I am driven by passion. Now that I'm in my forties, I want to share what I've learned about learning.
from http://www.buccaneerscholar.com/
“The beginning [of a journey] is a terrible time to plan. It's the moment of greatest ignorance. In self-directed education, a lot of the value comes from exploiting opportunities that arise well out to sea, once I've seen some things and begun the learning process.”
“GREAT SECRET Whenever I’m learning something difficult, I keep expectations low, and aspirations high.”