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James McAllister

James McAllister, well what can be said about him? Difficult, awkward and a raving loony are just a few of the words used to describe him. Add in reclusive and argumentative and you have the complete picture.

His debut novel follows his empathy with the downtrodden of the world, although the detailed instructions on how to destroy the Catholic Church was described by the Pope as 'a step too far'. The book 'iNation' is now on the curriculum in Quantico in the 'Cyber Warfare Defense' classes, although there is no record of the FBI buying a copy. His demands that the FBI pay the $7 download fee has gone unnoticed.

In line with his atheist views he has completely ignored the call by the Geeks of the World to be their leader, quoting 'it would just be another religion guys, but anyway you had me at ELHO'.

He is currently working on the second book of the iNation trilogy called 'iNation and the Reason for the Meaning of Life'.

He lives in Dubai with his long suffering wife and a collection of self-portraits (described by Simon Schama as 'ghastly')

“Be silent and safe — silence never betrays you; Be true to your word and your work and your friend; Put least trust in him who is foremost to praise you,Nor judge of a road till it draw to the end.James Jeffery Roche”
James McAllister
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