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James St. James

“There are times when the world slips out of control. It's like an accident that is happening too quickly , and you can't stop it, you can't think about it, you have no choice but to lean back and watch as everything changes forever.”
James St. James
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“Every degree of power involves a corresponding degree of freedo from good and evil.”
James St. James
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“Watch out for the average--they're usually hiding something big.”
James St. James
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“Love is easy; it's when you actually like someone that it gets difficult. Putting up with their odd idiosyncrasies. They way they suck their teeth after dinner, say, or the way they change perfectly good lightbulbs. It's when you like somebody despite the fact that they have every season of Reba on DVD - that you know it's something special. It's about liking someone in spite of the gaping flaws in their personality...”
James St. James
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“Drug addicts are so funny that way. Just spinning around, lost in their own little world. Doing so much, accomplishing so little. How sad.”
James St. James
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“We're like two peas in a pod""Pity the pod”
James St. James
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“I was so scared it was all going to be gone by the time I got there. Ninth grade, tenth grade - can't this thing go any faster?In the magazine, there were funny people with funny names like John Sex, who had wild white hair and a snake!-and didn't that just open up a kaleidoscope of new possibilities?And how long the years are-endless! And the minutae of your daily life! So tedious, when there are BIG THINGS happening a thousand miles away. And when you go to bed at night, it's hard to believe those people, those fabulous, daunting people, are out there right now!So we wait, and we endure, and someday we will be there, and we will make it.”
James St. James
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“If letters had eyebrows, these would be arched.”
James St. James
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“Just spinning around, lost in their own little world. Doing so much, accomplishing so little. How sad.”
James St. James
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“So let's start at the very begining (a very good place to start...)”
James St. James
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“I give you bitter pills, in a sugar coating. The pills are harmless - the poison's in the sugar”
James St. James
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“People die all around us all the time. Drop like flies. Overdose. Aids. Sometimes they kill themselves. People come. They go. Dying is the same as rehab or moving back to Missouri. It just means I won't be seeing them again”
James St. James
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“And LO and BEHOLD, I was on BOTH the six AND eleven o’clock newscasts!AND all the commercials, as well! (‘Day of the drag queen at one area high school, controversy at six!’)And it must have been a slow night because I was the SECOND PIECE of the night! The granny suicide bomber got the lead. BITCH! But I managed to beat out the president’s pulled groin and day six of the Jessica Simpson chapped-lip crisis!”
James St. James
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“Funny, that no matter where you are in the world, there's always someone eager to help you destroy yourself.”
James St. James
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“No, Michael, I do not trust you on a boat, I do not trust you on a goat. I do not trust you here. I do not trust you there. I do not trust you anywhere.”
James St. James
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“It's a spooky thing to be left alone inside an angry innerverse.”
James St. James
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“When you let the wolves guard the hen house, there's bound to be a few chicken dinners.”
James St. James
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“And what do we have here? A scary monster, cowboy, and a fairy princess! Here's a hit of ecstasy, run along now.”
James St. James
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“We didn't wish -- wishes are wasted...We didn't hope -- because our future was inevitable...And we didn't pray -- we were on our own.”
James St. James
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“There are people who have too much space between their ears, and given the time, do nothing but free fall forever inside their head. It's a spooky thing to be left alone inside an angry innerverse.”
James St. James
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“If we're all going to hell in a handbasket, we might as well make it a party on the way down”
James St. James
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“We are all freaks. Yes! Alone in our rooms at night, we are all weirdoes and outcasts and losers. That is what being a teenager is all about! Whether you admit it or not, you are all worried that the others won’t accept you, that if they knew the real you, they would recoil in horror. Each of us carries with us a secret shame that we think is somehow unique…And if we are, each of us, freaks – then can’t we accept what’s different in each other and move on?”
James St. James
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“and so it came to pass that i was strapped to a gurney and covered in raw liver and slabs of beef that very quickly turned rancid under the bright spotlights. there exists a videotape somewhere that documents me being wheeled about the dance floor by two burly "orderlies," while i desperately search for a bathroom big enough to accommodate the stretcher so i can do a bump of cocaine. watching me retch from the decomposing meat, and simultaneously fiend for drugs, makes for an entertaining time, indeed.when i told my mother the extremes i went to in order to make a living, she just shook her head and said, "now don't you wish you'd finished college, dear?"mothers are so wise, sometimes.”
James St. James
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“Tease hair, not homos!”
James St. James
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