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Jamie Mason

Jamie Mason was born in Oklahoma City, but grew up in Washington, D.C. She's most often reading and writing, but in the life left over, she enjoys films, Formula 1 racing, football, traveling, and, conversely, staying at home.

Jamie lives with her husband and two daughters in the mountains of western North Carolina.

“Guilt wears track shoes. Sprint, marathon, or cross-country, it doesn’t matter. It runs tireless to catch you, and it carries a sledgehammer.”
Jamie Mason
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“Most nightmares are caged in their realm by implausibilities. The sleeper slogs through quicksand in a fun house of frightening nonsense and disjointed mumbo jumbo. But everything’s all better once the bedside lamp is back on, because reality, even when it’s bad, is easily distinguished from night terror. Except for the trying-to-scream dream. That one’s pretty much spot-on.”
Jamie Mason
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“If home is where the heart is, Jason had lived in his throat for a long time.”
Jamie Mason
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“If home is where the heart is, Jason has lived in his throat for a long time.”
Jamie Mason
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