Jamie Schoffman is the author of the beloved memoir, Not All Out of Love, published in April 2012. His first novel, Father and Son...Again, was published in March 2016. He has also written two short story collections, John at The Bar, published in August 2016, and All This Happened, More or Less, published in April 2017.
His short story, The B, was published in the Fall 2013 edition of The Dying Goose.
His story, Saved By Love, was included in the collection Second Chances, by Erin McHugh, published in April 2017.
He smokes Pall Malls, drinks Jameson, and hates Donald Trump with the entirety of his being.
He lives in New York City with his wife, Chris Ann, and several imaginary dogs. He is currently at work on several novels.
Twitter: @Jamie_Schoffman