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Jane Lovering

Jane Lovering was born in Devon, England but, following extradition procedures, now lives in Yorkshire. She has five children, four cats, two dogs and doesn't believe in housework so the bacteria and dust are approaching sentience and now rank among the pets. Incidentally, she doesn’t believe in ironing either, and the children all learned self-defensive cookery at early ages. She works in a local school and also teaches creative writing, which are extreme ways of avoiding the washing up.

Published since 2008, she writes romantic comedies which are often described as ‘quirky’. One day she's going to find out what that means. Jane is a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and has a first class honours degree in creative writing. In 2012, her novel Please Don't Stop the Music won the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the RNA.

“I don't usually like to stop women staring at my groin, but... you're a bit intense, I'm starting to worry.”
Jane Lovering
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“You know you're in for a bad day when the Devil eats your last HobNob.”
Jane Lovering
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“I did worry at one stage that all my stories seem to revolve around secrets, lies and self-deception, but then I realized that most of human life revolves around those things too, so obviously they were going to feature hugely in anything I wrote. I write about people, so my novels are going to be as different as people are, but with the same core desires, hopes and fears that we all share.”
Jane Lovering
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“I want to keep her, but I don’t want to tie her. I need her to be able to run, but not to want to. I need her to knowthat. I need her to feel safe with me. Fuck it, I just need her.”
Jane Lovering
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“I know I have to give her that freedom. Otherwise I’ve just caged her, haven’t I? And what kind of love would it be, that only came from inside a box?”
Jane Lovering
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“Know me right through to my bones.”
Jane Lovering
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