“Rape is a crime of violence and sex is the weapon.”
“Children under the age of 16, 17, or even 18 are generally not psychologically or emotionally mature enough to consent fully to sexual relationships with adults, or to participate in them on an equal footing.”
“The ultimate rape is murder. Sometime during the rape, they cosider killing the victim.”
“So you let a stranger touch you and you're not going to let me. --Tommy to Jessica”
“I had a feeling that day, like something was hanging over me.--Jessica”
“1 in 4 women will be raped in their lifefime, less than 10% will report the assault, and less than 5% of the rapists will go to jail.”
“I want to empasize that rape is about human beings, not statistics.”
“I want to emphasize that rape is about human beings, not statistics.”
“For every survivor there is also a rapist.”
“I found I could not not let the words flow.”
“Half a lifetime ago, I was forced at knifepoint to a grabage dump and gang-raped.”