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Janet Clarkson

“It could be argued that there is an element of entertainment in every pie, as every pie is inherently a surprise by virtue of its crust.”
Janet Clarkson
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“America has developed a pie tradition unequivocally and unapologetically at the sweet end of the scale, and at no time is this better demonstrated than at Thanksgiving.”
Janet Clarkson
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“We have been careless with our pie repertoire. The demise of apple-pear pie with figs and saffron and orengeado pies are tragic losses.”
Janet Clarkson
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“Pies mean Thanksgiving and Christmas and picnics.”
Janet Clarkson
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“The homemade pie has been under siege for a century, and surely its survival is endangered.”
Janet Clarkson
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“The Second Law of Pies: they must be baked, not fried (or boiled, or steamed).”
Janet Clarkson
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“The First Law of Pies: 'No Pastry, No Pie.”
Janet Clarkson
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