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Janice Dickinson

Janice Doreen Dickinson is an American supermodel, fashion photographer, actress, author and agent.

She has recently opened her own modeling agency, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, after judging for four cycles on America's Next Top Model.

“I was in that dark, self-destructive place. I was up one minute, down the next. Soaring and crashing and crashing and soaring; the roller coaster from hell.”
Janice Dickinson
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“I was in awe of him. I didn't speak; I listened.”
Janice Dickinson
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“I liked the way he handled himself in the kitchen. I like men who cook. Men who cook are generally good lovers.”
Janice Dickinson
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“I am anxious. I am always anxious. I should change my name to Anxiety Dickinson. I am anxious about my little sister. My big sister. My mother. Myself. Life. I am anxious about what to wear, what to eat, what to say, how to breathe.”
Janice Dickinson
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