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Jarrid Wilson

Jarrid Wilson is a husband, dad, pastor, author and founder of Anthem of Hope

His articles have been viewed by tens-of-millions, showcased on some of today’s hottest talk shows, and featured on national news stations worldwide. He is a dynamic speaker whose outside-the-box perspectives have gained him national recognition from some of today’s most influential Christian leaders and pastors.

His highly unconventional way of sharing faith takes a fresh look at the way Jesus would call individuals to live out their everyday lives. Unafraid to tackle tough and controversial topics, Jarrid is known for his refreshing perspectives on what others may view as set in black and white. His blog is one of the most talked about faith-based blogs on the web, and his dedication to authenticity and transparency for the sake of that faith has been paramount to his success as a writer.

Jarrid and Juli live in Nasvhille, TN with their two boys.


“We’re a society of busy people—and there’s a multitude of fast food, drive-thru options just for our convenience.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Your habits play a massive role in your sinful nature. Our habits are shaped by either a self-disciplined will, or a powerful felt need—and the latter can often pull us into habitual sin. If you really think about it, most sin is derived from a habit that has been formed over an extensive period of time, and then exposes itself when that habit yearns to be activated. On the other hand, forming habits of prayer and worship can also create virtuous habits that can counteract the destructive pull toward sin.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Some habits are internal, more than external. They live in our thought processes, our attitudes and our outlook. And if these mental habits go unchecked, it can cause us to live in a state of mental compression because our habits are living our lives for us. But the truth is, mental health is the beginning of all habitual health problems. If a habit, such as envy, lust, comparison, discontent, takes root in your mind, that mental habit is eventually going to be given the reins to the rest of your health if not taken care of.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Habits don’t just happen overnight. If a habit takes 30 days to form, then those 30 days will tell you a lot about your commitments. Are you cutting down on your Starbucks habit so that you can read Scripture in the morning before work? Or are you routinely hitting snooze and falling off your exercise program 10 days in? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and have to make choices about we’re using our time. We make trade-offs based on what we deem most important at the time—for better or for worse.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“A habit as simple as arriving late or constantly procrastinating can show what you rank at the bottom of your scale of priorities—and also what you rank at the top. What do you hold as important and unimportant in this life? Just take a look at your habits. They will speak for themselves—and most likely, they will speak to others as well.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“If we aren't seeing eye to eye with God, there is a good chance His eyes aren't the ones closed.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Worry is down payment on a problem that hasn't happened. Trust Jesus!”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Jesus is for life, not just for Easter.”
Jarrid Wilson
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“Real faith believes God can, and expects that He will, but trusts Him even if He doesn't.”
Jarrid Wilson
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