Jason Najum is a writer living and working in Montreal, Canada. He writes and blogs about current events with a focus on cultural commentary. His aim is to bring a fresh perspective and deeper look to today's issues. His work has been featured in the Montreal Gazette, Canada's oldest daily newspaper.
Jason Najum is author of the recently published book DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, a personal essay and cultural critique that examines the big questions facing today's generation.
His work can be found www.jasonnajum.com
“Everything around me affirmed there was nothing else I could do – yet everything inside me cried that I was not doing enough.”
“I avoided one-on-one situations, eye contact, and healthy relationships. Instead I took refuge in drinking too much, cheap sex, and sarcasm.”
“A lifelong movie I already knew the ending to”
“After college I got a job and started working. This new career had absolutely nothing to do with my degree.”
“It's the only way anything will change. Because we are both mother and child, cause and effect, villain and victim”
“So this needs to be said, and so I will try to say it”