Javan photo


Javan (which is the author's given middle name) was born October 19, 1946 in a small North Carolina town. He lived in N.C. through high school and college, then moved to Atlanta in 1968, where he worked as an agent for Eastern Airlines until the end of 1977. In 1979 Javan self-published his first book and started traveling around the country with his golden retriever puppy, Brandon, introducing the book to bookstores. There are four titles now available and Javan still travels both nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, Brandon died in 1988.

“It is hardTo be strongWhen Someone SpecialLeaves your lifeAnd it does'tGet any easierWith practice”
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“If I stand alone, It does not mean, I am any less a Human, If my arms do not hold another, It does not mean, They are incapable of holding, If my tongue is silent, And never speaks the words of Love, It does not mean, That it will be mute, When the time comes, That the words can sincerely be spoken. And just because the World, Has not yet introduced, The one that will share my Life, It certainly does not mean, That I am incapable, Of Loving.”
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“I often wonder, If I am the man, That I would be, If I were a boy, Dreaming of the man, That I would be.”
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“I would not ask from you, Anything that you were not capable of giving, I would not ask from you, Anythng but that which I truly need, I would not take from you, Without giving equal value in return.”
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“In my Lifetime, I hope to develop, Arms that are strong, Hands that are gentle, Ears that will listen, Eyes that are kind, A tongue that will speak softly, A mind full of wisdom, A heart that understands.”
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“Love can sometimes be like Magic. But Magic can sometimes...just be illusion.”
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“Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes...just be an illusion. ”
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“I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”
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“Give me the ability to understandto be more than just another manto do the things I was sent here to doand to touch the world gently as I pass through.”
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“We should always remember-To themselvesNo one is just another person.”
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