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Javier A. Robayo

Javier A. Robayo emmigrated from Ecuador in 1988 at the age of 13. He kept journals in Spanish and translated them as a way of learning English during his freshman year in high school. In March of 2012, this practice led to the publication of The Gaze. He lives in Connecticut with his wife and two daughters, where he's busily at work on his next novel.

for more, visit www.javierrobayoauthor.com

“Personal accounts flow from the heart and tend to be the most difficult to write. It's nearly impossible to remove the emotional undertones, and it takes so much courage to open those pages to everyone else.”
Javier A. Robayo
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“The privilege is not writing a novel, it's to have someone read it. When you look at it that way, you realize the responsibility you have to put your very best on the page.”
Javier A. Robayo
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