Jay Bell is a proud gay man and the award-winning author behind dozens of emotional and yet hopelessly optimistic stories. His best-selling book, Something Like Summer, spawned a series of heart-wrenching novels, a musically driven movie, and a lovingly drawn comic. When not crafting imaginary worlds, he occupies his free time with animals, art, action figures, and—most ardently—his husband Andreas. Jay is always dreaming up new stories about boys in love. If that sounds like your cup of tea, you can get the kettle boiling by visiting www.jaybellbooks.com.
“Ben wore the same goofy smile as in the photo. Take that, new guy! I can make him happy too!”
“What’s it say about a person when they know they have a problem but never do anything to fix it?” Eric smiled. “That they’re human.”
“Enséñame a volar, mi mariposa hermosa,’ Tim said suddenly. ‘It’s from a poem I— Well, it’s from a poem.’‘What’s it mean?’”Teach me how to fly, my beautiful butterfly.” - Tim Wyman”
“Some ghosts haunt you for life. The best you can do is make room on the couch and get used to living with them.”
“Yeah, and I honestly don’t hold it against you anymore. Ben’s an amazing guy, and I bet losing someone like that hurt pretty damn bad. You both paid for what happened, which is a shame, because love shouldn't have a price.”
“That the sun still rose the next morning was incredibly unjust. Someone good had died. People still woke up, had breakfast, went to work, and it was wrong. Flower petals still opened in the sun’s early light, and animals still grazed the day away, their minds untroubled. Someone good had died and the world had the audacity to move on.”
“...and history felt like a conjuring trick. All of this had been in plain view the entire time, but only now did the magician allow Joey to see it all.”
“Just be careful. Passion is a bridge that connects love and hate. When you're standing in the middle of that bridge, don't let yourself get turned around. You've got to make sure you know which direction you're heading. Watch yourself.”
“Why couldn't people's insides match their outsides? The world would be such a wonderful place if the nicer someone was, the more beautiful they became.”
“He was so handsome, so beautiful. Inside and out.”
“There’s a coward and a fool, and both of them are you, My heart is cracked and broken, but yours is frozen through.”
“Teach me how to fly, my beautiful butterfly.”
“Love isn’t meant to be hidden away and life is too short for shame.”