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Jay Grewal

Working tirelessly on many different projects and manuscripts, Jay has dedicated his life to the journey of writing. Deep down inside he will always be a humble story teller, who will continue to write as long as people continue to read.

All work can be found on Amazon:


“I couldn’t figure out if it was fate or faith that had brought me there. How funny those two words sounded when paired together. One was the inevitable, something I could not change in my life, while the other was the hope and belief that I could. These two words were enemies of each other, and one of them was down right dangerous for a slave to have anywhere near his mind.”
Jay Grewal
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“How a member of the church—one who had read the Good Lord’s bible—could sit so calmly and watch a man be led to his destruction frightened me.”
Jay Grewal
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“But when they brought Sabira out, the crowd parted almost magically. A sea of hands rose faster than a swell and a bidding war commenced, amongst these civilized gentlemen who made their living off the backs of slaves.”
Jay Grewal
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“That was when I realized we weren’t born to beslaves. It was ignorant for any man to think he could be the master of another. We were all meant to be free, and somewhere there were good people helping to heal this broken world.”
Jay Grewal
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“$1,200, That was the price of a man in those days. Now you can call him black, or you can call him a slave, but he was a man nonetheless.”
Jay Grewal
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“He broke me down past the flesh, past the muscle, past the bone, down to my soul and in a loud provocation, he asked, “What are you made of?”After I gathered the broken bits and pieces of my life together, I shouted at the top of my lungs, “HOPE! Unbreakable, undeniable, irrevocable hope!”
Jay Grewal
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“If you stay on this path as long as I have, you’ll soon learn that the road to providence leads right through perdition. And along that road, the devil’s waiting to collect his pound of flesh.”
Jay Grewal
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“Sometimes you don’t choose greatness, it chooses you. And when it does, it requires a certain level of understandin', courage and a degree of blind hope.”
Jay Grewal
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