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jay woodman

Using my nickname Jay Woodman, I have published a lot of poetry in mags around the world and 17 collections of my own work. I am available as a poet for readings and/or workshops in schools, bookshops, festivals, etc.


I used to publish and edit the environmental mag "And What of Tomorrow?" and then the Poetry and Art mag "Rustic Rub", which was respected for attracting vital new poets as well as established ones.

My real name is Julia Woodman, and I'm a writer and therapist offering books and articles, plus phone or email advice and support via my Radiance-Solutions.co.uk website : holistic health, nutrition, life coaching, personal and spiritual development, stress management, counselling, families, young people, relationships, communication, current issues, consciousness, self-empowerment, nature, creativity, healing, meditation.....

Non-Fiction Books forthcoming are - "No Paradox - Living both in and outside of the Matrix", and my book "Intent-Aware - Tools for Our Conscious Journeying" has actually been broken down into several shorter books, available on the guides page of my website


My facebook page for these is https://www.facebook.com/WritingsOfJu...

After that I am writing "Back to The Garden" for which there is an open group on facebook for people to join in with - http://www.facebook.com/groups/471253... This includes information on community sustainability and global meditation link-ups.

I also have plenty of ideas for fiction, and have started the first (literary) novel of a compelling series with a unique overall concept.

As Julia Woodman, I‘m on SoundCloud, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and have a google blog - http://juliawoodmanwriterandtherapist... and a wordpress blog - http://radiancesolutions.wordpress.com/

I am on Amazon as Jay Woodman and my Jay poet page on facebook is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jay-Woo...

Apart from useful articles, affirmations, etc, my website also contains a route to buying my poetry books, tapes and CD's, an Inspiration page, including lots of quotations, and some ImagineOgram pages - inspiring, beautiful or funny - art, photos, quotes or fun quips. There is also a section of my website called The Love Pages - http://www.radiance-solutions.co.uk/t...

Namaste, Julia / Jay / Joules -

“I was moved beyond words. The train ride over the mountains from lake Titticaca to Cusco reminded me of Africa where I grew up; and 4 days walking on the Inca Trail, then more in the jungle, just magnificent - time, space, and splendour. Our planet is superb!”
jay woodman
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“like sunlight under their skins, they want to be loved" from the poem STAY in RidingTheEscalator”
jay woodman
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“just a little bit longer, sing: like rain, like sand, like wind in the night, prickling" from the poem - STAY from the book "Riding the Escalator”
jay woodman
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“All in tune with love and the slow world moving" from the poem - STAY from the book - RidingTheEscalator”
jay woodman
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“They come here wanting to be loved, and the boys on the stage receive them" from the poem - STAY in the Book - RidingTheEscalator”
jay woodman
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“Notice, when looking at quotes of each person - you'll never agree with every single quote of anybody's. We all have a different view of reality, of what is meaningful. This is why we can never argue, or there would be no man left alive - we have to agree to disagree, and just get on with it maybe laugh a little too. It's wonderful really - delightful - the infinte variety of wisdom and beauty! Let's accept it gladly”
jay woodman
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“There isn’t a good side and a bad side of you or of anybody, so there’s no need to be at war with yourself or anyone or anything at all.All we are is a bunch of dozy people in the process of waking up.All we really need to do is try gently to be open to continuing that process.It’s no good getting worked up about stuff – it’s better to relax and laugh at our mistakes, then figure out how to learn from them and move on.”
jay woodman
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“Instead of letting our emotions run amok with our minds, we can use our minds as tools that allow us to build realities that serve us better,and we attract what we are meant to attract because we are aware and self-empowered enough to choose most of the time.”
jay woodman
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“The word God can mean whatever you believe it to mean, for me it is the conscious stream of life from which we all come, and to which we can stayconnected throughout our lives as a source of peace, wisdom, love, support, knowing, inspiration, vitality, security, balance, and inner strength.I think that awareness is paramount, because in awareness we gain understanding, which then enables us to regain our feeling of empowerment.We need to feel empowered to make our choices conciously, about how to deal with changes in life, rather than reacting in fear (which tends to make us blind and weak).If we are aware, we can be realistic yet postive, and we can properly focus our intentions.Awareness can be quite sensual (which can add to your sense of feeling empowered). Think about how your body moves as you live your life, how amazing it is; think about nature, observe the intricate beautiful details of natural thngs, and of things we create, and breathe deeply to soak it all in.. Focus on the taste of food, the feel of textures in cloth, the feel of you partner's hand in yours; smell the sea breeze, listen to the wind in the trees, witness the colours of the leaves, the children playing; and be thankful for this life we are experiencing - this life we can all help to keep wonderful. Feel the wonder of being alive flood into you anytime you want, by taking a deep breath and letting the experience of these things fill you, even just by remembering.We all have that same stream of life within us, so you are a part of everything. Each one of us has the power to make a difference to everything.Breathe in that vital connection to the life source and sensual beauty everywhere, Feel loved and strong.”
jay woodman
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“Look everywhere. There are miracles and curiosities to fascinate and intrigue for many lifetimes:the intricacies of nature and everything in the world and universe around us from the miniscule to the infinite; physical, chemical and biological functionality; consciousness, intelligence and the ability to learn; evolution, and the imperative for life; beauty and other abstract interpretations; language and other forms of communication; how we make our way here and develop social patterns of culture and meaningfulness;how we organise ourselves and others; moral imperatives; the practicalities of survival and all the embellishments we pile on top; thought, beliefs, logic, intuition, ideas; inventing, creating, information, knowledge; emotions, sensations, experience, behaviour.We are each unique individuals arising from a combination of genetic, inherited, and learned information, all of which can be extremely fallible.Things taught to us when we are young are quite deeply ingrained. Obviously some of it (like don’t stick your finger in a wall socket) is very useful,but some of it is only opinion – an amalgamation of views from people you just happen to have had contact with.A bit later on we have access to lots of other information via books, media, internet etc, but it is important to remember that most of this is still just opinion, and often biased.Even subjects such as history are presented according to the presenter’s or author’s viewpoint, and science is continually changing. Newspapers and TV tend to cover news in the way that is most useful to them (and their funders/advisors), Research is also subject to the decisions of funders and can be distorted by business interests. Pretty much anyone can say what they want on the internet, so our powers of discernment need to be used to a great degree there too.Not one of us can have a completely objective view as we cannot possibly have access to, and filter, all knowledge available, so we must accept that our views are bound to be subjective. Our understanding and responses are all very personal, and our views extremely varied. We tend to make each new thing fit in with the picture we have already started in our heads, but we often have to go back and adjust the picture if we want to be honest about our view of reality as we continually expand it. We are taking in vast amounts of information from others all the time, so need to ensure we are processing that to develop our own true reflection of who we are.”
jay woodman
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“Don't let anyone take your power by influencing what you do.... sure ask for advice when you are still deciding, but once you are sure what you want to go for, don't let anyone deflect you. It is YOUR choice to make and to follow through.”
jay woodman
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“Don't be afraid to be authentic, show up in the world as you truly are.Be as you mean to be, but be light with it. Love it, give it, share it, laugh at it, walk everywhere with it.Be in the world but not OF it.”
jay woodman
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“Love, love, love, love is all you can do, even in the face of bitterness, pain, anger, confusion, it's the only thing to keep you steady and stop you biting back.”
jay woodman
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“When we make judgements we're inevitably acting on limited knowledge, isn't it best to ask if we seek to understand, or simply let them be?”
jay woodman
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