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Jaycee DeLorenzo

“Look, I’m not trying to upset you, but, lately, you have this really bad habit of going for the jugular the micro-second someone says anything you don’t like. You’re so focused on winning every battle that you don’t even realize you’re losing the war. I’m sure it feels good in the short-term but, Ivy, it’s childish. You’ve got to start considering the consequences of your actions before going off half-cocked all the time. Otherwise, one day you’re gonna look around and realize you’ve run everyone off who cares about you.”
Jaycee DeLorenzo
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“You know, it’s tragic how blind we can be to the really good guys because they don’t fit this ideal image of what we think we want, and when we do figure it out, it’s pretty much too late.”
Jaycee DeLorenzo
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“What’s life without a little risk? Sometimes you have to gamble to achieve greatness, and it’s stupid to let fear of the unknown stop you from achieving your maximum potential.”
Jaycee DeLorenzo
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