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Jayde Scott

“I stood a better chance rescuing Amber with the help of my iPod.”
Jayde Scott
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“I'm 100% natural. No silicon, no synthetic hormones or steroids, no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.”
Jayde Scott
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“I'm far from perfect- maybe beautifully flawed- but I don't lie”
Jayde Scott
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“You don’t pack what you need; you pack what you think you will probably need, taking into account each and every possibility, and then add some more stuff…just in case.”
Jayde Scott
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“what’s meant for you will reach you in time, and if you embrace it with your arms wide open it might just stay with you forever and bless you with more happiness than you could ever envision.”
Jayde Scott
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“I’ve been a nomad for centuries. I don’t think I’ve ever settled down in one place for longer than a few months—until I met you. When this is over I want to be near you, wherever you are. And if you don’t want me, then I’ll wait in the shadows until I’ve conquered your heart and you find me worthy of your love.”
Jayde Scott
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“Soul mates are said to be two souls destined to be together, programmed to recognize each other across time and space. I didn’t know whether that was the truth, but I was inclined to believe it”
Jayde Scott
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“As he grinned, a dimple formed on his right cheek. My heart quivered. Men like him should come with a warning: date at your own risk”
Jayde Scott
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“Does he ever eat? Nope. Does he sleep during the day and only comes out at night? Yep. Is he so sexy you’d sell your soul to spend just a night with him? Double-yep. What other proof do you need?”
Jayde Scott
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“Your new boss’s a vampire, and if you don’t learn to handle him, you’ll wake up dead. And I hope it’s in Hell because it’s more fun and heaven ain’t all”
Jayde Scott
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“No, you just keep polishing your fangs or whatever you guys do in there.”
Jayde Scott
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“I froze all night. My back’s killing me. I want home, and I’m scared to death. But I guess the view makes it all worth it.” “You’re funny,” Angel said”
Jayde Scott
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“What do you see in him anyway?” “He doesn’t leave the toilet seat up.” I smiled bitterly”
Jayde Scott
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“Just checking you’re living and breathing,” Kieran said. “Maybe we should discuss ways to keep you that way because right now I feel like strangling you. You got me into a lot of trouble with my brother.”
Jayde Scott
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“I can still feel my legs, thanks for asking. My back’s not even hurt that badly. Only as though I was just hit by a train.”
Jayde Scott
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“She’ll read your mind like nobody’s business.”
Jayde Scott
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“Kieran grinned. "You look good when you're angry. Now say the pitchfork line again with more oomph.”
Jayde Scott
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“Congrats, bro. You've just sold your soul to the devil. Wait. You don't have a soul.”
Jayde Scott
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“You're not going anywhere. If I need to put you in chains to keep you by my side, then so be it.”
Jayde Scott
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“Amber laughed. "What makes you think I'd marry you?" "What makes you think you'd have a choice?" "I'm not into bad guys," she said.”
Jayde Scott
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“Hi there, I'm—" "An idiot," Kieran said, rolling his eyes. Thrain grinned and shook Clare's hand. "Well, hello, Miss Idiot.”
Jayde Scott
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“I thought she wanted out. We should've brought cuffs and a gag." Clare frowned. "What's wrong with you, Blake? This is a rescue mission, not a kidnapping.”
Jayde Scott
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“Can't you see, Amber? Losing you would be like a stake to my heart.”
Jayde Scott
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“You haven't told her?" Cass shouted. "You're the worst boyfriend ever!”
Jayde Scott
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“How could I persuade the in-laws I was the right one for their daughter when, instead of focusing on small talk, all I could think about was not to kill them? I could only imagine what I'd say to the prospective in-laws, "Hello, it's a pleasure to eat, I mean, meet you.”
Jayde Scott
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“In an angry fit, my mother had called him an airhead, who couldn't find his brain even if it came knocking on his door.”
Jayde Scott
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“My mother always advised me not to trust a dead person.”
Jayde Scott
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“Not only is he mentally challenged, all he has is a couple of scary fangs and absolutely no idea what kind of fire is in this furnace.”
Jayde Scott
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“I'm sorry but I don't need saving. Maybe pour all that energy into a worthy cause, like saving the whales, or the Rainforest. I hear trees are being cut down at an alarming rate.”
Jayde Scott
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“You freaking bit me," I said, my voice hoarse. "You're lucky I don't call animal control.”
Jayde Scott
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“No idea how you figured out the riddle, but you scooped the first prize. Congratulations. You've just won a vacation to a big, relaxing place called a grave.”
Jayde Scott
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“That's all you've got for me?" I drew a long breath and let it out slowly. "You know. I might be able to get more clues from Google.”
Jayde Scott
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“I'm Kieran. You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room,”
Jayde Scott
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“Wait." Amber jumped up wide-eyed. "Is she a—" "A ghost " I smirked. "Amber you're a necromancer in a show about raising the dead. What did you expect Eerie sounds produced by a computer and a few Hollywood actors in bad makeup Please don't tell me you've never seen a real ghost.”
Jayde Scott
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“He simply had to be different and like me the way I was now that I'd fallen in love with him.”
Jayde Scott
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“No, no. I get it. You had to do it." Kieran's eyes narrowed. "Believe it or not, I'm a sucker for romance. Two star-crossed lovers who don't fit in each other's world. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet - just with fangs.”
Jayde Scott
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“The flicker of a girl appeared; a tiny shape with huge, brown eyes I would never mistake, not even in death.”
Jayde Scott
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“Aidan said he'd never hurt me. Maybe he wouldn't do it on purpose, but vampires drink blood. Sooner or later, he'd want a midnight snack.”
Jayde Scott
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“Cass had a few points but, really, a vampire? Who believed in such a myth? What was Cass suggesting anyway? That I grab my rosary and head for the nearest church begging for holy water? Line my door and windows with salt? Sleep with a wooden stake under my pillow? Hang garlic bulbs from my bedroom door? Why was I even considering these options?”
Jayde Scott
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“I rolled my eyes. I had just added jewel thief to my resume and almost got killed by some thug, and all my brother could think of was fancy umbrellas and tropical drinks on a beach.”
Jayde Scott
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“Great. You want me to steal from the local thug. What a delightful way to die.”
Jayde Scott
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“I laughed. " So, let me get this straight. You slayed the dragon, jumped over the moat, climbed the tower of the evil King's castle, saved the princes, and rode off with her into sunset aka Shadow land. Why, you're my knight in shining armour.”
Jayde Scott
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“But just to make sure, I went down to the library, switched on the computer and typed ‘vampire vs. werewolf fight winner’ into the Google search browser.The machine whirred for zero point twenty-three seconds before it came up with some four million results. Obviously, I wasn’t the only nutter interested in this stuff. I clicked on the first link and groaned. Over sixty per cent thought a werewolf would kick a vamp’s ass any time. Dammit!”
Jayde Scott
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“And then I got what she was saying. In the paranormal world, everyone was your enemy.”
Jayde Scott
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“Great way to impress your future brother-in-law, by the way," Kieran continued. "You look like you took a blood bath. The only thing missing is the axe. Would Dallas really let his little sister date a crazed murderer who hacks bodies in the basement? You need to change that shirt pronto. And oh, you're welcome. I just saved you from making a complete and utter fool of yourself, but don't mention it."I curled my lips into a fake smile. "Thanks. It's so nice to know you've got my back."Kieran regarded me coolly. "A hobby might help ease all that hunger. Have you ever considered fixing cars, or woodworking, or maybe a DIY project around the house?""You're getting a big laugh out of this, aren't you?"Kieran shrugged. "There's nothing on TV.”
Jayde Scott
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“We're close. I can smell their faint scent," Blake whispered.Kieran snorted. "That makes one of us. All I smell is dog shit.”
Jayde Scott
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“The shapes inched closer. I gaped at them, trying to discern their features. "I think I see dead people," I whispered."Yep," Aidan said, smiling. "More vampire jokes. You're just fine, then. Once this is over, you and my brother will be BFFs." He wrapped his arms around me, pressing me against his broad chest. Against my better judgement, I leaned into him, strangely comforted.”
Jayde Scott
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“Following Jesse's wonderful advice I will have to change my quote to:If have a sense of humour, you'll love my books; if you don't have a sense of humour, please read my books nonetheless--no matter what you have please just read my books.”
Jayde Scott
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