J.C. Phillipps photo

J.C. Phillipps

Julie (J. C.) Phillipps is a born and raised Ohio girl who lives in New England. If you have a very good ear, you can still catch a little Midwestern accent. Although she has learned to say "soda" instead of "pop" and "sneakers" instead of "tennis shoes," she still thinks of the tiny candy on top of cupcakes as "sprinkles." "Jimmies" is just weird.

Wink: The Ninja Who Wanted To Be Noticed was Julie's first picture book, released March 2009. Since then she has written and illustrated three more picture books: Wink the Ninja Who Wanted to Nap, Monkey Ono, and The Simples Love a Picnic.

Julie jumped genres and is now working on making graphic novels. Her first middle grade graphic novel, Pacey Packer Unicorn Tracker, comes out August 2020 with Random House Graphics.

To learn more, visit her webpage: www.jcphillipps.com or follow her on Instagram @JCPhillipps.

[image error]Wink! The Ninja Who Wanted to be Noticed

reviews: 25

ratings: 69 (avg rating 4.19)

“Time spent laughing is time well spent.”
J.C. Phillipps
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