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J.D. Robb

J.D. Robb is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series and the pseudonym for #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. The futuristic suspense series stars Eve Dallas, a New York City police lieutenant with a dark past. Initially conceived as a trilogy, readers clamored for more of Eve and the mysterious Roarke. Forgotten in Death (St. Martin's Press, September 2021) is the 53rd entry in the series.

“Unnerved, Summerset moved quickly to the communication center. "Roarke, the lieutenant has just come in from outside. She wore no outer gear. She looks very bad.""Where is she?""She's heading up. Roarke, I insulted her and...she apologized to me. Something must be done.”
J.D. Robb
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“You know what, the jacket’s like the car.” "“Is this a riddle?” ", "“No,” Peabody said as Eve swiped the master.","“It’s an", "ordinary thing—well, special, but a jacket, right? And the car, it’s ordinary, it even looks it. But both of them have the special inside. Cop special especially, you know? He so gets you. That’s even better than a just-because present.”", "“You’re right. He does. And it is.” Inside, Eve paused another moment. “He’s worried about me.”", [J.D. Robb, Celebrity In Death]”
J.D. Robb
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“Hey. Hands off.”, “Please. Please, please, soooo pretty. Lemme just have one little touch.”“Peabody, isn’t it embarrassing enough you’re wearing pink cowboy boots, again, without standing here drooling on my coat?”
J.D. Robb
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“His mind’s always on something else. He’d live in a ratty cardigan, and he’s always worrying holes in the pockets of his pants. He can never seem to find his wallet or anything in the refrigerator. And just when you think he’s not paying any attention to what you’re saying or doing, he comes up with exactly the right answer or solution.”", [J.D. Robb, Celebrity In Death"“People""who expect perfection in a mate miss a lot of fun—and sweetness.", [J.D. Robb, Celebrity In Death]”
J.D. Robb
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“I hate patience. Slows everything down.”
J.D. Robb
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“You can’t go back. Can’t fix what broke. But you can go forward. And every step matters. Every one makes a difference.” She pushed away from the desk, cupped his face in her hands. “From where I’m standing, you’re the best step I ever took.”
J.D. Robb
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“you know, I'm only marrying you for sex and food.”
J.D. Robb
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“But Roarke doesn't feel weird about it. He's full of it, the love, I mean. And when he loves me, things that never worked in me did - do. It was easier when they didn't work, but it's better when they do. You know?”
J.D. Robb
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“When she brought Mira up, Eve gave Roarke another glance. "Don't talk to him," she warned. "He can get bitchy when he's in this deep. I don't know if we have any of that tea stuff.""I had it stocked, and I don't get bitchy. Bloody, buggering HELL."Eve just rolled her eyes and got the tea.”
J.D. Robb
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“Okay. Look, why don't you take care of the half a million things you've been letting dangle in Roarke's Empire of Everything?""Catchy title. I may use it one day.”
J.D. Robb
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“What time is it in New York?"He shook his head. "An hour later than it is here. The earth simply has to revolve, Eve, however annoying it is for you.""It can revolve all it wants. I just don't see why people can't settle on the same time.”
J.D. Robb
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“I'd rather be screwed up with you than smooth with anybody else.”
J.D. Robb
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“I'm a barrel of monkeys, kid, though mostly I figure monkeys stuck in a barrel are just going to be pissed off.”
J.D. Robb
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“I changed your life.” She looked down at the peach they shared. “You changed min. I’m glad of it.” And back into his eyes. “Every day. I’m glad of it. I’d like a pond, and maybe something to sit on so we could watch the creepy, interesting fish.”“That would suit me very well.”She linked her arms around his neck, laid her cheek on his. Love finds a way, she thought.”
J.D. Robb
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“She thinks you married me for power,” he said as they walked on. “Renee. As that’s what she would’ve done. The power and the money is one in the same to her.”“She’s wrong. I married you for the sex.” He grinned. “So sure of that am I that I work diligently to hold up my end of it.”
J.D. Robb
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“Why?” Eve leaned forward. “Sincerely, I’ve always wanted to know why anyone buys multiple pairs of shoes at a time.”“If I have to explain it, the joy is lost.”
J.D. Robb
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“How's it going down there?""It's weird. They're too polite, they talk funny, and stuff has too much shine on it. But the coffee's worse than Central's, so that's something.”
J.D. Robb
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“He shook his head and eyed Roarke. "You don't look like a cop.""I'm not and thank you for noticing.”
J.D. Robb
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“How white is an Irishman's ass?" Eve wondered out loud."You should know, darling.”
J.D. Robb
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“Oh thank you, Jesus.""It's Roarke." He tapped a finger on Eve's head. "You really shouldn't forget your own husband's name.”
J.D. Robb
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“I'm not putting up with this," she continued. "You can't even go out and buy a solar system without worrying I'll fall apart. How are you supposed to get anything done?""Actually, I'm not in the market for a solar system right at the moment.”
J.D. Robb
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“I once stood in a field in Ireland, alone, a little lost, and wishing for you more than I wished for my next breath. And you came, though I never asked you, you came because you knew I needed you. We don't always do what's right, what's good. Not even for each other. But when it counts, down to the core of it, I believe we do exactly that. What's right and good for each other. There's no rule to that. It's just love."Just love, she thought when he stepped out. She may have been going into her own personal hell to face a killer, but right at that moment she considered herself the luckiest woman in the world.”
J.D. Robb
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“Eve engaged her On Duty sign and stepped out of the car. Immediately her ears were assaulted with a blast of music. Christmas carols pumped, full blast, into the air. She decided that people ran inside, ready to buy anything, just to escape the noise.”
J.D. Robb
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“I'm going to see if Morris has a spare spine lying around you can borrow if you're scared to speak to that high-heeled, smug-ass bitch, Peabody.”
J.D. Robb
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“Have I missed a national holiday? There must be celebrations in the streets for you to be home at this hour of the day.""I'm calling it Summerset Goes Mute Day. The city's gone mad with joy.”
J.D. Robb
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“You had no right. No right to stand in front of me.” He turned back now, his eyes vividly blue with temper that had gone from frigid to blaze. “No fucking right to risk yourself on my behalf”“Oh really. Is that so?” She stalked forward until they were toe to toe. “Okay, you tell me. You keep looking me dead in the eye and you tell me you wouldn’t have done the same if it was me in jeopardy.”“That’s entirely different.”“Why?” Her chin came up and her finger jabbed hard into his chest. “Because you have a penis?”
J.D. Robb
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“A cop? You married a bloody cop?""I married a bloody criminal," Eve muttered, "but nobody ever thinks of that.”
J.D. Robb
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“he wouldn't mention, now or then, the illegal nine-millimeter automatic he had in his pocket. Why distress the woman you loved with minor details?”
J.D. Robb
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“Man. God. Roarke.An interesting and flattering lineup.”
J.D. Robb
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“Hotter than a fuck in hell.”
J.D. Robb
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“Do little pink fairies sing and dance in your world, Peabody?""Sometimes, when it's very quiet and no one else can see.”
J.D. Robb
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“A pity it was so early in the day and I couldn't treat myself to the roller coaster. we'll have to come back, you and I, and make up for it.""Sure, when I've lost my mind and want to rush screaming through the air in a little car.”
J.D. Robb
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“There it was, Eve supposed. There was the answer to why people got tangled up with people. Because when you were down, when you were wallowing, someone you mattered to would ask if you were okay.”
J.D. Robb
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“There's an oatmeal cookie in there. I see no reason for the existence of oatmeal, particularly in cookies.”
J.D. Robb
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“God is dead and I am his replacement.”
J.D. Robb
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“Drop the fucking weapon, you fucking motherfucker or I'll fucking scramble your fucking brains. Hands up! Hands where I can fucking see them, you fucking cocksucker. You fucking breathe wrong, you fucking blink wrong, and I will fuck you up.Fucker." Jacobsen snarled it as he shoved Marcell to the ground. "On your fucking face, you fucking shit coward. Stream my lieutenant in the fucking back? Fuck you.”
J.D. Robb
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“Eve: Anyway, thanks for riding to the rescue. You need a white hat. Good guys wear white, right?Roarke: I look better in black.”
J.D. Robb
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“Lots of people think things would be better some other way. That's why the world's lousy with theme parks.”
J.D. Robb
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“You--Roarke." Eyes watering, she reached for more tissue. "Jesus, Eve. Jesus Christ, you never sleep with anybody. And you're telling me you slept with Roarke?""That's not precisely accurate. We didn't sleep.”
J.D. Robb
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“Roarke cares very much for Beth and for me, and a few select others. But loves? I'm not sure he'd let himself risk quite that unstable an emotion.”
J.D. Robb
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“I want to see you again." He stopped, took her face in his hands. "I need to see you again."Her pulse jumped, as if it had nothing to do with the rest of her. "Roarke, what's going on here?""Lieutenant." He leaned forward, touched his lips to hers. "indications are we're having a romance.”
J.D. Robb
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“No. No, I don't believe you'd betray me with her. I don't believe you'd cheat on me. But I'm afraid, and I'm sick in my heart that you might look at her, then at me. And regret.”
J.D. Robb
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“Vending Machine: "This product has no known nutritional value and may cause irritability or wakefulness in some individuals. Please enjoy your selection and your day."Eve: "Up yours.”
J.D. Robb
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“Eve-"In the name of all that is holy...It's 2060, not 1760. Can't they figure out a better way to handle this process?"Roarke-"Amen”
J.D. Robb
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“I'd suggest putting your head between your knees, but I think that's physically impossible for you at the moment.”
J.D. Robb
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“Lord, Give me the strength not to bitch slap this woman.”
J.D. Robb
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“Eve talking to someone on her computer and having trouble with the language translator....."I have two like crimes. Your data and your input on Leclerk would be very helpful"Marie pursed her lips and humor danced in her eyes."It says you would like to have sex with me. I don't think that is correct""Oh, for Christ sake" Eve slammed a fist against the machine.....”
J.D. Robb
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“Fate rules. You follow the steps and you plan and you work. Then fate slips in laughing and makes fools of us. Sometimes we can trick it or out guess it but most often its already written. For some its written in blood. That doesn't mean we stop, but it does mean we can't comfort ourselves with blame. It's easier to take the blame than to admit there was nothing you could do to stop whatever happened.”
J.D. Robb
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“... If you tried to touch my woman she'd break your dick off like a twig then stick it up your arse.”
J.D. Robb
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“Love meant different things to different people.”
J.D. Robb
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