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Jean de La Fontaine

“Todos los cerebros del mundo son impotentes contra cualquier estupidez que esté de moda.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“I don't believe that Nature's powersHave tied her hands or pinioned ours,By marking on the heavenly vaultOur fate without mistake or fault.That fate depends on conjunctionsOf places, persons, times, and tracks,And not on the functionsOf more or less of quacks.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“There's nothing sweeter than a real friend:Not only is he prompt to lend—An angler delicate, he fishesThe very deepest of your wishes,And spares your modesty the taskHis friendly aid to ask.A dream, a shadow, wakes his fear,When pointing at the object dear.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Patience and time do more than force and rage.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Apprenez que tout flatteurVit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute :Cette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.Flatterers thrive on fools' credulity.The lesson's worth a cheese, don't you agree?”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“A menudo encontramos nuestro destino por los caminos que tomamos para evitarlo.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Nothing weighs on us so heavily as a secret.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Every newspaper editor owes tribute to the devil.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“The best laid plot can injure its maker, and often a man's perfidy will rebound on himself.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“To hell with pleasure that's haunted by fear.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Everyone believes very easily whatever he fears or desires.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Sadness flies away on the wings of time. ”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Everyone calls himself a friend, but only a fool relies on it: nothing is commoner than the name, nothing rarer than the thing.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“Often we find our own destiny on the same roads that we have been avoiding.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”
Jean de La Fontaine
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