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Jean Johnson

Berkley/Jove Authors Bio

(1)romance author, science fiction author

Jean Johnson currently lives in the Pacific Northwest, has played in the SCA for 25 years, sings a lot, and argues with her cat about territorial rights to her office chair. She loves hearing from her readers, and has a distinct sense of humor. Right now she's living in a home with zone heating & decent plumbing, but hopes to some day put turrets and ramparts on it so that it looks like a castle.

“He knew this could turn out to be a very dangerous ploy if it backfired, but he also knew he had his best friend firmly on his side. If nothing else, he knew he could let her take all the blame and she’d do it. He’d owe her majorly — what else were best friends for but blackmail opportunities and owing giant favors, anyway — but she’d do it.”
Jean Johnson
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“Kinky was only okay if it didn't lead to a broken neck, in his book.”
Jean Johnson
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“Kodan: “I had the good sense to win the hand of a woman as smart and kind as she is beautiful. If not more so.”Tava: “You mean you had the wit to blackmail me into following you home, where you promptly stole my heart,” she teased.Kodan: “That, too,” he agreed. “But I didn’t steal your heart. I merely exchanged it for mine.”
Jean Johnson
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“Not everyone can look past an insult and continue to work with the person who slights them”
Jean Johnson
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